As a company driver

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by SC-joe, Sep 5, 2020.

  1. SC-joe

    SC-joe Bobtail Member

    But, I have to start making money to feed my family. These dаmn politicians are killing me. At 54 I have to quickly change professions.
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  3. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    It doesn't matter. You are still not going to make any money until you get that CDL. Check out the trade schools first! Should not take but a day or two. The only thing I can see that may extend that time is getting the grants all lined up.
  4. SC-joe

    SC-joe Bobtail Member

    I don't imagine I have the perfect solution but one that works for me. After a year my possibilities and knowledge will be greater.
  5. CargoWahgo

    CargoWahgo Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2012
    Louisville, Kentucky
    I skim contracts. I remember the one they gave us at Con-Way had a bunch of exceptions rules blah blah blah then in said in bold and underline tucked in the fine print that we wouldn't be paid for local pickups.

    And that was certainly true. They would give us "cartage" to shuttle a trailer. But that came out to far less than minimum wage and basically cost you all day to get unloaded.....I #####ed about it alot in the Conway section in the past while in Chicago on here lol.

    But they only let you see that contract after you have went thru the entire process. They gave us that paperwork while we were waiting to pee in the cup at the Dr.
    SC-joe Thanks this.
  6. Dockbumper

    Dockbumper Road Train Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    OP. You will not be an " indentured servant" if you seek company sponsored training. Ignore silly comments like that. Many options for no money up front schooling. Usually a one year contract to pay off schooling. You should stick with your first Company for at least one year anyways. I got my start with Swift 4 years ago. Learned the ropes and moved on. Making great money with a great company now. Everybody needs to start somewhere.
  7. Eddiec

    Eddiec Road Train Member

    Feb 2, 2015
    As a company driver you rarely have a contract to sign that is binding.You may be given an offer sheet. What you do have is a job description that lays out what the job is, what are the requirements for qualifying for the position. Once hired, you will most likely be issued an employee handbook, that tells you the policy, rules and procedures for the company.

    If you are not issued an employee handbook...ask for one. If you are required to sign a contract, that is a red flag that you need to read and understand and ask a million annoying questions until you do understand. Failure by the company to give you direct answers, should be another warning to you.
  8. Dockbumper

    Dockbumper Road Train Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    Try Prime. They pay you to get to the school, feed you, pay you during training. I think you'll need to pay for your physical and permit/ CDL fees. Probably a couple hundred dollars. I know several people who started with them 4-5 years ago and STILL WORK THERE! Be very careful of what you read here and elsewhere. Just be ready for several very stressful months of your life during the training process. The REAL LEARNING happens your first year solo.
    SC-joe Thanks this.
  9. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    Just what in the blue blazes do you call a situation where when you quit or get fired during that year you are legally liable to pay back the costs of the school? It is just that, indentured servitude! That's what indentured means!
    My point was AND I STILL STAND BY THAT POINT TOO! Was to seek out a trade school before signing a contract! I would hazard to guess that since the first of the year there are at least 50 threads started by drivers that quit during that first year for whatever reason! It is a fact it happens.

    Yes, there are some great schools and NOT EVERYBODY has easy access to a trade school. I know this. I just feel that before someone signs a contract WITH ANYBODY, they should check out ALL the options. This just makes good common sense!
  10. SC-joe

    SC-joe Bobtail Member

    Can you give me examples of REAL LEARNING?
  11. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    This is something you will continue for as long as you drive. Some of us have been driving since before the CDLs still learn things. The fun starts for real when you get that first truck! make sure you get a photo of it!
    Speed_Drums Thanks this.
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