Do you work on your log book while doing your 10 hour break?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Rollover the Original, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. walleye

    walleye Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Land of Cheese
    When I was hauling cars the only time I had to even try to make a logbook look good was when I was supposed to be sleeping,....

    Sometimes it would be after a couple days running before I was trying to sleep and get it done,...:biggrin_25522:
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  3. IROCUBabe

    IROCUBabe Road Train Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    Dallas, TX
    Well, to be perfectly honest, I try to keep the log as legal as I can. I log my pretrips exactly as they are done, sometimes I can do it in 25 sometimes it takes longer. But I don't log my potty breaks at the time they happen like, before I get out of the truck I make a line -unless- I was onduty/driving before then. Mostly because I started trying to do that, and being groggy I just managed to screw it up, so I write the time down when I get out and when I get back and do with when I go onduty. Though to be honest, its not often I go during my 10 hour break, once my behind is asleep I don't wake up easy.

    There is so much white out in my october log book, -I- would log audit me... but to be 100% fair, the october log is the FIRST paperlog I have done in 15 months >.> and when I did the paper log at werner I just did it based on what the QC told me so that was cheating.
    Texas-Nana Thanks this.
  4. Rollover the Original

    Rollover the Original Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2009
    I really didn't say what I do but the past couple of years with the companies getting stricter I usually keep it up to date and when I stop I'll draw my line off duty and when I get back to the truck I'll go ahead and finish the log out for the day. I'll go to L2 and then start the next day with the line off of the 1200 mark and leave it there. This because of a county cop a few years ago on Long Island and sleeping at the rest area and idling! THAT as a fun night!
  5. Rat Fink

    Rat Fink Light Load Member

    Nov 18, 2008
    Lethbridge, AB
    I park, finish my day with an hour or so of off duty time and then the rest sleeper time. I finish my post-trip info, ending mileage, yadda yadda. I then start the next day with starting mileage, address, name, get everything I need ready so when I get up all I have to do is my pre-trip and then mark it on the timeline and I'm ready to go. I don't mark it down as on-duty time since I get it all wrapped up in under 15 minutes. (I keep it updated to the most recent status change through the day so there is just the final flag to add when I stop).
  6. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    After seeing my friend pay over $1000 to california, a few years back, my log book is ALWAYS current. So NO - I do not work on it during my 10 hour break. I use that time for polishing my load locks !!!!!!!!!
  7. kwray

    kwray Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2009
    That's a little bit like pattern logging. Logging exactly the same amount of time between two given points. Not moving 15 minutes here or there to compensate for variables like traffic, especially when the two points are a considerable distance.

    I used to show an hour or two off duty on both ends of my break (with sleeper time shown in the middle). Just to make things more believable. Not that I was cheating, but at the same time I dont punch a time card every time I get in or out of the truck. You don't necessarily have to be specific about what you're doing; is it really anyone's business when I'm using the bathroom? But it is conceivable that if you use your credit card to buy something when your logbook says you're in the sleeper, it could come back and bite you later. Too many lawyers with too much time to think of ways to screw people over.
  8. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    Amazing how much ignorance there is re: logging. The only time you need to log sleeper is if you are running team. That is the reason there is a line for sleeper. Any solo driver only needs to log line 1 (off duty) for his 10 hour break. During that 10 hours, he can sleep, eat dinner, take a shower, walk around the parking lot, play grab arse with the waitress, visit Wal Mrt, call home, tell tall tales to anyone who will listen, go to a motel for 10 hours etc. Have you noticed the wording in the green bible, something like, "you can only drive after being OFF DUTY for 10 consecutive hours. NOT anything about you must be in the sleeper for 10 hours. Yes, it is allowed to log in the sleeper, but not mandatory. In 32 years of driving CMV's and being audited (highway and office), I have never been questioned by any cop and I drove and lived in Ca. and the other 47 as well. :laughing-guffaw:
  9. kwray

    kwray Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2009
    Don't you need to log in the sleeper if you're solo and splitting your breaks? Still, its a good idea to log at least part of your break in the sleeper anyway just to make things look good.
  10. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    Allow Me,
    How long have you been out of trucking?
  11. Skunk_Truck_2590

    Skunk_Truck_2590 Road Train Member

    Feb 16, 2007
    Stonewall, LA.
    Well when I need more drive time I drive out most of my day stop just before my time is up and push everything forward as far as I can. Drive until I get as far as I need to get then push everything back to show actually running legal then when I take my 10 I'm not really taking 10, only 6-8 depending onhow far I was able to push it forward. When tey look at it during a DOT inspection they can't tell the difference. I've never been busted for it. That's with a company that's not very strict on log's though. Now go to some place like FFE and there's no way to cheat because they track everything via QC. My last week driving for them though I didn't give a #### and logged it as I saw fit. I never log bathroom breaks.

    Another thing is time warps. From city limit to city limit they can't tell so if it's 25 miles from one side to the other then I pull that out and say I started (I.E) on the west side when I really stated out on the east sid of that city. Works great for Chicago. If I'm stuck in traffic I stop when I get out and show a new starting time to keep from loosing that time to taffic back up's. Legal or making money? Hmmm, I'm about the money and there are to any rules and reg's. for that BS so I do as I need to get it done. Just because I push my log book doesn't mean I do it unsafely. If I'm tired I stop not giving a #### if the load is on time or not. I like pushing the coloring book though because the way I do so, I can take a couple hour nap in the middle of the day if I want and still get more miles in on my day. To this day I have still never gotten a ticket or violation for it.
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