Husband and Wife R&L 2021

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Cerberus XVI, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. LTL Bull

    LTL Bull Road Train Member

    Mar 12, 2020
    Yes they can see reflections in the windshield , especially screen glow from electronic devices. They will discipline people on that. Caught one guy going down the road eating a salad weaving all over the road.I don’t follow anyone but I’ve had people tell me they’re watching all the time. That is not true, there has to be an event to trigger a review. The driver can also trigger it. I had mine for about 9 months. 372 events, 368 driver triggered by yours truly the other 4 were two wildlife instances and two cutoffs by other vehicles. You can go to Lytx website and see all your info. So I stand corrected about these two being caught by a driver facing cam per se.
    Cerberus XVI Thanks this.
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  3. Cerberus XVI

    Cerberus XVI Heavy Load Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    It will be interesting to see how it plays out. We're both safe drivers so we're not to worried about it.
  4. Cerberus XVI

    Cerberus XVI Heavy Load Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Well our first two days have been interesting to say the least and definitely been a test of patience.

    -day starts out getting told we'd be going out that evening. Cool, I'm thinking probably like 5pm-9pm maybe. That's what I always assume evening means. What they really meant was midnight haha. No biggie, we had checked out of our hotel already if I had known it was midnight probably would've just reserved another night. we hung out in the rental car until we found out our truck assignment..which, we finally got after about 5hrs.

    -we get there and we are excited because it's a green pete. Just like we wanted, more miles than I'd have hoped for 330k. But no biggie we will make it work (was assured by central that we wouldn't be in it long. I'm assuming probably a year or more.

    Anywho, get in the truck ready to start her up and get everything unpacked from the rental car..and..she's dead. No juice whatsoever. The shop guys come out and try to jump her with a small little car jumper..then they tried two..then they tried the shop pickup..all to no avail. Finally they got another truck to jump it. That did the trick!

    Get everything loaded up and then the coolant light/buzzer comes on. quick check showed it was full..past full actually. Tech says probably a short in the sensor and pulled the sensor. (Been watching it very close since we left the yard).

    Learned how to hook/unhook pups about an hour before our first load. (Watched alot of youtube videos on it so I was already pretty comfy with it) got a quick 20 min rundown of how to run their logs and paperwork's from a team driver who happened to be at the terminal.

    Most annoying part is that we don't get our badges until Monday/Tues. Which apparently is what we use to get fuel at terminals..and yet here we are out on the road haha. Had to use someone else's badge to get fuel.

    Not sure if all terminals kinda through there drivers in the deep end and tell them to swim or if it was just mine. But be prepared for that, and definitely ask far more questions then we did (although to be fair we weren't sure what questions to ask until they arose).

    I know this sounds like a long whiny rant and that's because it is lol, all this just to say I am still glad to be here and look forward to working through all this to make it work. It seems like an amazing company and every driver and yard jockey we've talked to have been nothing short of helpful and nice! Here's to better days ahead! :D
    Speed_Drums, scott180, xlsdraw and 4 others Thank this.
  5. TequilaSunrise

    TequilaSunrise Medium Load Member

    Feb 3, 2016
    Seattle, WA
    I'm glad you are in your truck and rolling... Thanks for the update.
    xlsdraw and Cerberus XVI Thank this.
  6. jtaran06

    jtaran06 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    western ky

    I used to run stop signs in Idaho. I got many videos. Sometimes they would catch me and at a few. Was real laid back about the videos.

    I left end of October. From Jan- Oct I made 91k and during that time we had prolly 2 months we told them we would go home early so we only worked 4 days for 2 months.
    Texas_hwy_287 and BeHereNow97 Thank this.
  7. jtaran06

    jtaran06 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    western ky

    If you pull up enough and catch that little black plastic piece on the wind deflector and line it up to the sensor on the pump most of them will read it and it will turn the pumps on automatically.

    Nashville shop was a joke. We couldn't get things fixed so our pete had many issues. Sanger is a nice terminal.

    Good thing they will send solo guys out of wilmington to meet you around Louisville area. Swap sets and you go back to TX.
    Texas_hwy_287 Thanks this.
  8. Cerberus XVI

    Cerberus XVI Heavy Load Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Yeah we've been using it to pay for fuel. Worked everywhere but nashville. Had to use someone's card there.
  9. Cerberus XVI

    Cerberus XVI Heavy Load Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    I cannot emphasize enough how amazing R&L drivers are. We've had to get help or ask questions at almost every terminal/relay we've had and every single one didn't even think twice about helping or even hinted that we we're being a nuisance. Feels good when your fellow drivers help out! It's been so helpful!
    xlsdraw and Speed_Drums Thank this.
  10. BeHereNow97

    BeHereNow97 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 15, 2020
    Jtaran how does team driving work when you team with somebody who is not your wife/girlfriend (like you did) when it comes to sleeping arrangements?

    If it was a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife team, you could just both sleep on the bottom bunk with the same sheets no problem, no need to change out bedding or anything.

    But if you're teaming with someone other than your wife/girlfriend, are you having to switch out the bedding/pillows on the bottom bunk every single time you switch?

    EDIT - Did you have experience team driving before you went there? Do they take drivers who have never teamed before or do they only want experienced team drivers (I'm assuming solo experience doesn't count as much as team driving experience)?
    Cerberus XVI Thanks this.
  11. BeHereNow97

    BeHereNow97 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 15, 2020
    I wanted to ask those in this thread who have driven and are driving for R&L, how many hours per day would you say the truck stays moving for (20, 22, etc. etc.)?

    Do you ever get used to sleeping in a moving truck, or does your sleep never become "sleep sleep" like you normally get when the truck isn't moving?
    xlsdraw and Cerberus XVI Thank this.
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