Question for the first generation trucker

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Deadendcruiser1, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. Deadendcruiser1

    Deadendcruiser1 Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2021
    OK that's no problem. I'm not trying to do any shady stuff. I would just like to get into my own truck and hit the road really.
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  3. Deadendcruiser1

    Deadendcruiser1 Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2021
    Will do. Thank you
  4. Deadendcruiser1

    Deadendcruiser1 Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2021
    Also a first generation trucker meaning nobody in my family has ever been a trucker. I would be the first to do it. Meaning I'm asking people in the same position. Somebody who wasn't born into trucking. Someone who started out in any other job other than trucking and decided to take the leap into trucking. How they feel about their decision to make the switch. How it has worked out for them so far and whether or not they enjoy it. I have always been a driver naturally and there is nothing I enjoy more than driving. I was a wrecker driver for several years and those were the best years of my life work wise. Being stuck inside the same 4 walls with the same childish people is not for me. Therefore, already knowing I enjoy being on the road and having the possible opportunity to buy a rig that comes with a client seems ideal. I'm not counting my chickens before the eggs hatch. I believe none of what I hear and half of what I see. I'm not naive. I'm business smart and work harder than most. I see this as a POSSIBLE opportunity that if it does pan out could be a good way to start without the 2 year financial struggle that a lot of new truckers endure. I understand the answer is different for everyone. But as a general question, are you happy you left your 9-5 to become a trucker?
  5. Deadendcruiser1

    Deadendcruiser1 Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2021
    I'm going to start a new thread, with a better stated question.
  6. NewbiusErectus

    NewbiusErectus Medium Load Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    I was in a decent position with avg pay prior to driving, clean and easy job. I’m coming up on 9 years driving now and I’d never go back to that.

    The big thing is, the workday flies. With a regular job, it was always like c’mon clock , can you move ? Just a little? Now I’m always trying to beat the clock.

    Better benefits and way better pay. No politics. Just do your job and go home.

    Need some extra cash? Work more. Wanna take a breather? Don’t work as much.

    And you won’t be continuously wondering if you’re going to be part of the next round of layoffs, because .. well , there aren’t any. ( Sure, a company can close , or close/sell a division , but you’ll just take that CDL and exp and go elsewhere. )

    A lot of this isn’t going to apply to you since you’re doing your own thing, but the big thing is .. you’re always out and about. You most likely won’t ever wonder why the clock hasn’t seemed to move in the last 15 minutes.
  7. Deadendcruiser1

    Deadendcruiser1 Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2021
    Thanks that helps a lot. Those are the exactly reassuring reasons that I would make the switch! And I know a lot of drivers give you the hard truth and discouraging facts. I'm aware of all that. There are posts everywhere on this forum and others pertaining exactly to that. I wanted to know just what you said. The benefit of trading that job for trucking.
  8. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Why don’t you go back to being a wrecker driver? A wrecker is cheaper to get into.
  9. Deadendcruiser1

    Deadendcruiser1 Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2021
    I was working for another company that did AAA and police calls. I made decent money but once again I had Co-workers, other drivers that shared my truck and destroyed it. When I wasn't towing I was in the shop, with other people stealing my tools and starting ####. I honestly can't stand the drama of working with other people under the same roof. The he said she said bs. There's a lot of unwanted stress. I was ONLY happy when driving. Me, myself and my truck.. The people I had to work with were the reason I left. I don't want to be anyone's scapegoat, I don't want Co-workers and I don't want anyone breathing down my neck and.... I really REALLY love to drive. And I understand your question, wrecker is cheaper to get into. However, it requires a yard or even a repair shop as well as a market which happens to be cornered where I live. Where as the trucking market is always open and a CDL is a ticket to a job anywhere I go anytime I need it. It is a license to make money if you are willing to work.
  10. Deadendcruiser1

    Deadendcruiser1 Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2021
    I know there are plenty of reasons to be skeptical of driving. There is a lot of discouragement on these forums but honestly..... There are reasons people drive truck, am I right? You all do it. I want the encouragement, I want to hear the great things about it. The things to look forward to. Listen I'm aware of uncertain circumstances and I'm aware that it's not always gravy work. But you all can't tell me that you do this successfully and it's a terrible life. If that were the case you wouldn't be here today. There is a lot to learn and a lot of effort into learning the business of trucking, if you don't truly enjoy it I don't imagine you would go through all that trouble and effort to do this job and live this lifestyle.
    onetime42 Thanks this.
  11. God prefers Diesels

    God prefers Diesels Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2020
    South Texas
    We're your parents, grand parents, great grandparents truckers? No? Then you're first generation.

    OP, don't worry about your numbers being new. There's very few brokers that won't work with you, and they're not offering anything better than the ones that will. Load boards are basically the same ten loads being posted by 100 different brokers.
    Deadendcruiser1 and onetime42 Thank this.
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