Should us new guys be afraid of autonomous technology?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Crystale466, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    They also have a co-pilot and crew to talk to, ATC communication etc. Truckers are alone.

    Most truckers aren't exactly the image of professionalism. If you expect the average driver (or even the best drivers) today to actually sit and be observant of the surroundings for hours on end, ready to spring into action at a seconds notice it just won't happen.

    At least planes are operating in open skies, often thousands of feet above the ground and thousands of feet from other air traffic, not mere inches like vehicles on a roadway.
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  3. Problemchild74

    Problemchild74 Bobtail Member

    Feb 4, 2021
    Someone just a phone call way..

    Don't Know where this factors in with autonomous truck..but on a side not all pilots are either The way my brother has talked in the past..(works for delta)

    you actually think pilots do that? Hmmmm

    Going in 500 miles per hour Average..

    But we will agree to disagree
  4. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    Point I'm making is that its human nature to get bored when there's nothing to keep the mind engaged. It'd be a huge stretch to think a human could sit in a seat for a couple hours and keep focus enough to react when an oncoming vehicle suddenly veers over the centerline.

    At least a person can see the whole situation, not just what the radar tells the computer from its limited range. An observant driver can spot a potential bad situation and plan an escape before it even becomes a bad situation.


    I just can't see how a driverless truck could spot 4 deer standing still in the ditch until they bolt out in front of the truck at the last second. An observant driver would see the deer, slow down and be prepared to react if necessary.

    As for planes, its not really a fair comparison. Like I stated, planes have much larger space margins around them and there are far, far fewer planes in the skies vs cars on the road. If something goes awry while in the air at least there's plenty of space to operate in. A 30 foot wide patch of pavement, not so much.
    OldeSkool, Cowboyrich and Wasted Thyme Thank this.
  5. Problemchild74

    Problemchild74 Bobtail Member

    Feb 4, 2021
    We will agree to disagree...

    And my guess they will implement all trucks and cars will be autonomous together...
    Not just trucks...and putting my carnack hat on and taking an envelope to my head..18 year-olds That just starting to drive now will be the last generation to drive a vehicle like they are now..

    Thier kids when they hit driving age will be with autonomous vehicles

    And again we will agree to disagree
    Have a nice Sunday
    AModelCat Thanks this.
  6. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    Fix is simple. Remove mitigation system.
  7. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    I had one that would lust for a cow in a field. Full alarms, and all....
  8. GYPSY65

    GYPSY65 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2012
    SW FLA
    I already tried that and for some reason it can’t be removed or disabled
    Either it talks with too many other onboard computers or it’s a Govt regulation thing?

    I own the truck but 3 dealers have told me no when asked
  9. Dennixx

    Dennixx Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2010
    twin cities
    Must be able to adjust the beam I'd think
  10. GYPSY65

    GYPSY65 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2012
    SW FLA
    They did that as well as a few other things
    It did get better but would still decide on its own when it felt like hitting the brakes

    Since I removed the bumper cover it has
    ( so far ) been working perfectly and I have ran through ice. Skeet. Heavy rain
    All of the conditions that had previously been the issue
    Dennixx Thanks this.
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