KLLM local job in Springfield MA?

Discussion in 'KLLM' started by JAL1972, Oct 12, 2021.

  1. JAL1972

    JAL1972 Bobtail Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    Hi! I found a job offer from KLLM for Springfield, MA but can't find a terminal for them around the area? is it real or just a bait post?
    Thank you!
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  3. Speed_Drums

    Speed_Drums Road Train Member

    Dec 26, 2014
    It might be a trap.
    JAL1972 Thanks this.
  4. Lostmykey

    Lostmykey Medium Load Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    It’s probably real; I know we have daycab intermodal drivers in PA and no yards in that state. I spoke to one in Hazleton and he takes the trk home for parking. Idk how they get it to you.
    JAL1972 Thanks this.
  5. JAL1972

    JAL1972 Bobtail Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    I called and they told me there is no available job in the area because they don't send people from here to their academies. I'm still seeing the post on many job boards.
    Speed_Drums Thanks this.
  6. Lostmykey

    Lostmykey Medium Load Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    I’d imagine an applicant would have to already have a cdl and the required experience, the experience might need to be recent. We only offer new student training to about 8 states; idk if the limitations apply to refreshers (people with a cdl but no recent experience).

    For experienced drivers, we now offer virtual orientation. No need for them to come to hq, but still not sure how they get a trk.
    JAL1972 Thanks this.
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