Cb radio in dodge dakota

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by SheepDog, May 29, 2011.

  1. SheepDog

    SheepDog Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sand Lake, MI
    Hello all, I apologize right up front if this question is located somewher withing the droves of post, in the CB Forum. I don't have the time to find it, this time.

    I have a Dodge Dakota that I have just installed my Stryker 440 in. I have it wired to the battery, ground and hot, and I have a Wilson magnet antenna mounted on the roof. When I turn it on, no problem it seems but, when I start the truck and run it down the road,,that when I notice the radio is picking up all kinds of vehicle noice. When I excellerate, the needle on the radio does the same...LOL

    Not sure what to do, I thought connecting straight to the Batt would take of any ground problem but now I wonder.

    Any help would be appreciated...

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  3. handlebar

    handlebar Heavy Load Member

  4. SheepDog

    SheepDog Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sand Lake, MI
    Ok,,tested the radio with Ant unhooked....NO Noise whatsoever.
    Truck not running, Ant connected,,normal noise, cancled out by adjusting squelch.
    Start truck with ant connected and squelch adjusted, engine noise,,as engine rpms go up, so does noise level.
    So, noise I am referring to is engine noise. Engine is powered by good old 87 octane gas
    Thanks for all help,,,
  5. xPosTech

    xPosTech Light Load Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Try going straight to the battery with heavy wire - I use 10 AWG for a normal CB.

    If you're good with your hands you can build a filter that will likely keep that noise out of your radio. The filters you get at an auto parts store usually don't work and won't carry the current needed.

    You can probably find one that will work at one of the auto stereo bump-bump outfits like Auto Trendz. It will be expensive, however.

    This filter will probably do it.

    Good luck.

    SheepDog Thanks this.
  6. SheepDog

    SheepDog Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sand Lake, MI
    I didn't use 10g wire but I did use 12g wire,,,,not sure how that would make much of a difference when the radio leads are around 16g anyway...
    I dyverse,,I will build the filter today or tomorrow and let you know how that works..
  7. Gadfly

    Gadfly Medium Load Member

    Aug 18, 2006
    Check to see the antenna is not shorted to ground. remove the whip/coil, and the coax from the radio. It's not likely, but I have seen just one eensy braid wire break and short to the center lead. Sometimes the simplest thing can cause trouble.

  8. Yup

    Yup Medium Load Member

    Apr 2, 2011
    wire under the hood is picking up RF from the Alt.
    Also the shielded/coated wire is like an antenna and is sending the RF back to the radio at high rpms.

    Use a ground strap or ground to metal under the dash useing as short a wire
    run as possible.
    Late model vehicles have several "ecm" due to current modular production.
    Just like in the big trucks and it is noise that can never really be eliminated.
  9. xPosTech

    xPosTech Light Load Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    The longer the run the heavier the gauge. I tend to overbuild, though. :biggrin_255:

    Put the filter as close to the radio as you can on the positive side. So just put it where you tie the 12 ga. to the fuse in the radio lead. You are using the fuse, huh? I use a separate ground to a good grounding point instead of going to the battery with the negative lead. In extreme cases though a shielded or twisted pair to the battery might be needed when all else fails.

    The filter is only inline with the positive lead. The black or negative of the filter only grounds the filter, not the radio. Ground the filter to the nearest good ground.

    If you also don't have a fuse at the battery then a short anywhere between your existing fuse at the radio and the battery could ruin your day. 25 amp for a 12 ga. wire? I can't remember what a Stryker needs.

    Good luck. I hope I didn't confuse you too much.

  10. SheepDog

    SheepDog Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sand Lake, MI
    Thanks Xpostech
    I have bought the parts to build filter, now just need to do it..LOL
    I will let you know how it works.

    Yup, I am confused to what you are saying...my coax is running from roof, into rear window, down to floor under molding and back out under dash, up between dash and roof support to radio..
  11. xPosTech

    xPosTech Light Load Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Sorry I confused you. Let me start over.

    I noticed one test you didn't do was to start the truck with the antenna disconnected. You will probably still get the noise with the antenna disconnected. In other words, you get the noise when the truck is running whether or not the coax is hooked to the radio. This will help suppress that noise.

    If you do not get the noise when the truck is running and the coax is disconnected there are other methods than the filter.

    Installing the filter:

    We are talking only of the power leads, usually Red and Black. Insert the filter in the Red power lead as close to the radio as practical, usually at the inline fuse of the Red lead. (I took a quick look at the 440 manual and it doesn't mention a fuse. You really should have a fuse.) In other words, break the splice connection to your 12 Ga. positive lead to the battery. The "In" Red lead of the filter to the 12 Ga. to the battery, the "Out" Red lead of the filter to the 16 Ga.(?) Red lead to the radio and the Black of the filter to the nearest good ground. The Black power lead of the radio stays like you wired it originally.

    Does this make any more sense?

    SheepDog Thanks this.
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