MANTIS 175 APU Junk ?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by nonstop, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. nonstop

    nonstop Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2010
    greer sc.
    This is suppose to be a top of the line APU. A friend of mine has had this unit less than a year. He has had one problem after another. The starter,alternator and control panel have all had to be replaced. Has anyone else had this many problems with this unit ?:biggrin_25513:
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  3. BigBadBill

    BigBadBill Bullishly Optimistic

    Oct 2, 2010
    Chattanooga, TN
    Service locations. Not many of them.
  4. BigJohn54

    BigJohn54 Gone, but NEVER forgotten

    May 13, 2011
    SW Missouri
    Who said top of the line. I've never heard of it.
  5. JoeyJunk

    JoeyJunk Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Washington, PA
    Its advertised in one of the truckers mags. or papers...just can't find it right now. Whoever advertises it also has Rigmaster next to it, so I assume making money off fixing junk perhaps?
  6. BigJohn54

    BigJohn54 Gone, but NEVER forgotten

    May 13, 2011
    SW Missouri
    I'm guessing price-point was the reason for buying. That never turns out pretty. I would only consider the two major players. For me it will come down to warranty/extended warranty and number of service locations.
  7. M818

    M818 Light Load Member

    Apr 27, 2011
    Dallas, Texas
    The engine is an Isuzu. The case is made from American steel. One would think they would brag on the rest of it, if it were made in the USA, Canada, Europe, or Japan. That leaves Mexico and China. However, Mexico usually builds for contract or is the remote factory to a reputable company, so their stuff is ok if their local engineers enforce quality. They are usually pretty good about that. Then there is China.

    Its a real shame, look at the small size and the high power output and BTU! too good to be true.

    I've only ever bought one generator set new. Because they are so costly I spent time on the phone with the factory tech asking where the engine and alternator were made and bought it only when satisfied about quality control.

    I hope those troubles are the last ones you have with that machine.
    nonstop Thanks this.
  8. ufovalk

    ufovalk Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2011
    fort worth tx
    i have been running a carrier apu for 3 years and it has only been in the shop for oil change-belts-freon leek
  9. Mr. PlumCrazy

    Mr. PlumCrazy Road Train Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    Lexington NC
    He didn't say the top of which line but I'm assuming it the top of the junk line. I never heard of it myself.
  10. BigBadBill

    BigBadBill Bullishly Optimistic

    Oct 2, 2010
    Chattanooga, TN
    Everyone wants to compare engines and specs but nightmare issues with APUs have to do with control units. No names trying to enter the market because the put a bigger motor so they can claim more this and that. But reality is that the two big boys in the market have figured out what is needed to heat, cool and power it all. Anything additional adds weight and increases fuel consumption.

    And at the end of the day you want units that have millions of hours use behind them, a decent service network and proven reliability.
    nonstop and BigJohn54 Thank this.
  11. ConcernedTrucker

    ConcernedTrucker Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2011
    Shipshewana, IN
    I must admit I was sold on the Mantis, and most of the year it has served me well....But, now I have an issue with the AC Fan and can not get them on the phone. It would appear that they have gone out of business. Does anyone know of any repair locations that they had or just simply a way to get any repairs done?
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