colorado class a cdl road test

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by zmpart, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Chibob

    Chibob Medium Load Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    Columbia, Missouri
    Granted it's been a long time since I took my test but I have no trouble remembering the tester saying I failed because a. I floated all the gears (who knew?).b. I shifted going through an intersection (again, who knew?). I had never heard of that before but you don't argue with the tester if you want to get your cdl.

    Luckily my tester was nice and let me do the driving portion again which I aced.
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  3. CallmeKC

    CallmeKC Bobtail Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    Denver, CO
    I went to USTDS in 2008 in Arvada so I may have some information for you. My test was starting out two out of the three on pre-trip. Truck, in cab, or trailer. From there it was three out of four possible maneuvering actions. Guaranteed to do the straight back. From there it's either the drive down one lane and the instructor tells you left or right and you maneuver the truck in that lane without nailing a cone, parallel parking (blind or sight side is up to instructor) and alley dock. Then you get the road test. It's just a few miles and at some point you will be asked randomly what a sign said pertaining to your driving that you recently passed i.e. curve 40 m.p.h. or a weight limit sign. Something like that. They want to see your head tossing back and forth on the regular looking out the windows and at the mirrors. Double clutch mandatory. They will also want to test to see if you can pull back in the correct lane on a turn. I know this sounds like a ton but really it's not that bad at all. Hope this helps and any questions please feel free to ask me and I will do what I can.
  4. Chibob

    Chibob Medium Load Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    Columbia, Missouri
    This guy knows what he's talking about. I remember all of what he says happening on my test.
    CallmeKC Thanks this.
  5. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    I was an examiner.. just saying that I guess its possible, I'd never heard of not being able to shift through an intersection, to me it would cause a safety issue slowly moving through an interesction with cars stacked up behind you. We sometimes had to sit some students down and explain to them that you can change gears in an intersection... you cannot change LANES in the intesection. Lots of different states have different little quirks.
  6. UnnamedSickness

    UnnamedSickness Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2013
    I was told that shifting in an intersection was an immediate fail, as you could miss a gear, and not be able to clear said intersection without stopping and totally disrupting traffic. However, I haven't seen a specific rule either. Not that I have looked for one though...
  7. Chibob

    Chibob Medium Load Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    Columbia, Missouri
    That is exactly what I was told by the dot tester.
  8. striker

    striker Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Denver, Co
    if she's in CDL school, the school handles all the testing, not the state. The route and what is tested on, is all the same stuff she will learn in the classroom and yard portion of her schooling. In addition to grading that will occur while she's doing her practice driving in the yard and on the street.
  9. WhiteHorse75

    WhiteHorse75 Bobtail Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    FozzyNOK, You said "Usually you can fail one or all of the tests, usually the one that you did not pass you ONLY have to retest on that section." Is this true where you are in Oklahoma, if you tested there?

    It does NOT make any sense to have to retake the backing, docking etc. manouvers if you passed that part of the skills test. If you passed the pre-trip, it would suck to have to spend another 45 min explaining everything AGAIN to the tester if the road test was failed.

    I thought in Colorado, where I am at, that if any part of the skills test is failed then one has to take the ENTIRE skills test again even if you passed parts of it! maybe I am wrong.
  10. WitchingHour

    WitchingHour Road Train Member

    Apr 1, 2011
    Broomfield, CO
    Where in Colorado is your wife testing at? Had a friend do his road test at USTDS in Fountain (his company's truck, though)... for the backing, he had to do the straight back, angle back, and parallel parking tests.
  11. striker

    striker Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Denver, Co
    everything she learns in the class, especially the yard and road portion, is an option for them to test her on. When I took mine back in '97, everything we practiced in the yard was part of the test, everything we practiced on the road was part of the test. Most schools do 3 separate tests, classroom, yard, road, and they do it at separate times.
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