Troubled Past

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Joe86, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. Joe86

    Joe86 Bobtail Member

    Jun 14, 2015
    Columbia, SC
    Hello, I am a class A CDL license holder. Notice I said license holder, not
    driver. No major or small trucking company will hire me due to infractions
    on my MVR as well as my criminal background. I have 3 moving violations, 2
    suspensions, and an implied consent. My background consists of drug charges
    and domestic violence. I know, I sound like a complete scumbag on paper and
    I don't blame anyone for choosing not to hire me. I haven't had any
    accidents in an actual truck but due to my past no one will give me a
    chance. I had the opportunity to drive OTR for about 1 year when a buddy of
    mine (Owner-Operator) gave me chance to make some money by joining him OTR.
    During that year we ran all over the country and remained ticket and
    accident free however, no company cares about that. I'm not even sure why I
    was accepted to into my CDL training course because all of these charges
    happened before I went to school. I spend about 6K getting my license and
    now I can't even get a decent job. I want to take matters into my own hands
    and give myself another shot, even though no one else will. I have a
    substantial amount of savings and excellent credit, how feasible is it to
    become an owner operator? If I bought a truck, is it still possible to
    insure and operate it under my name considering my background? My biggest
    concern is whether or not I'll be able to get insured or not. I can obtain
    a decent rate for regular automotive insurance and I do not require an SR22.
    Money isn't my biggest issue here, if it's too much I could always save
    more. I just want to know if a person in my shoes could honestly pull this
    off. Also, do companies do background checks on owner operators?
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  3. Skate-Board

    Skate-Board Road Train Member

    Aug 9, 2014
    Merrimack, NH
    It's not the companies that won't hire you it's their insurance that won't let them hire you. You can try the large mega carriers like Swift and Walmart. They are all self insured so it's up to them.

    If you have been clean for a while you can try going back to court and seeing a judge. Ask the Clerk of Courts if he/she will allow the judge to hear you out. If so, get a haircut, clean shave suit and tie. Tell the judge your trying to turn yourself around and would he seal your records. That means a background check for truck driving would show nothing on you.

    As far as getting your own truck and insurance it would take a simple phone call to an agent and ask the question. Chances are you would be in the $12,000 to $18,000 a year range.
    blairandgretchen, Joe86 and Vilhiem Thank this.
  4. Vilhiem

    Vilhiem Road Train Member

    Oct 6, 2014
    I am not an o/o, so I'll give you that right there.

    Brokers and some places do check history from what I have seen. I think your issue would be getting insured. The price would be astronomical, which is probably part of the reason nobody is giving you a chance.

    What you might do is do something else until those things fall off your record. Many companies only do a 3 year mvr, so if you've been a year without incident then you'll need two more years.

    Don't go on my words alone, I'm only parroting what I've seen posted countless other times from people in a similar spot as you. You'll get many more informed answers.

    In addition, make sure you've added your location, what you'd prefer to haul, and if you have a criminal record. Someone may know if a company that'll take you, just keep in mind they won't be pretty.....
    Joe86 Thanks this.
  5. EHB

    EHB Medium Load Member

    Apr 26, 2011
    Yep the insurance companies are the ones pulling the strings.
    And should never be.
    They set the prices and ask for more and more money.
    This is why many O/O are getting our of the business and drivers are giving up driving.

    At some time that will change when in time.

    A company will have to make up their minds of fixing the truck or hiring a driver or paying the insurance company or sell off the truck and the job with it.

    Money is tight and not everyone is going to get paid, some thing will have to change and soon.
    Joe86 Thanks this.
  6. Ougigoug

    Ougigoug Heavy Load Member

    Dec 4, 2012
    Planet earth
    I had a criminal record, got it expunge by the state, i have a very good job.

    Also lot's of companies don't care if your stuff is 5 to 10 years old!

    I believe every man deserve a 2nd chance.

    Good luck
    Joe86 Thanks this.
  7. 315wheelbase

    315wheelbase Heavy Load Member

    Oct 26, 2014
    they can't bond you,,best to find a small company and work for them for several years if not more, you can not get into many military bases too
  8. Skate-Board

    Skate-Board Road Train Member

    Aug 9, 2014
    Merrimack, NH
    It's not up to a small or large company. It's up to the insurance company. Before I can hire a driver the insurance company has to approve them. In some cases they may say yes, you can hire him but your premium just went up $15,000 a year.
    Vilhiem Thanks this.
  9. Hurst

    Hurst Registered Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Tampa, Fl
    The problem is mainly the MVR record. Criminal will prevent you from doing certain govt and military loads as you will not be allowed on the base when they run your background at the guard/check in building to get your gate pass. Many carriers dont do those kinds of loads,.. or if its known you cant get into those places would not dispatch you for those types of loads.

    The problem is your driving record. Your trying to get a job doing something where your past history shows you as reckless and an insurance risk. I tried to hire a guy with 1 speeding ticket and 2 bad DOT inspections. The only way to hire him would be to pay a $6000 premium on top of my existing insurance. I offered to hire the driver if the driver would pay the premium out of his salary in payments. I'm not going to pay for his mistakes out of my pocket. There are better drivers who have taken better care of their license. He refused so I sent him on his way.

    That is what you are up against. The way I see it you have a few options. See about getting your record expunged. That will be one less thing hanging over your head. Then depending how your over all lifetime driving record is,.. if what you have currently is all thats on your record and nothing else,.. hire an attorney to petition a judge to strike your traffic convictions. Basically wipe them clean. The judge will look at your lifetime driving record. If its a mess with tickets and suspensions,.. you can pretty much hang up that idea. The other is to find some other work until your record clears up and you look better on paper.

    Buying your own truck can work,.. but it will be an expensive up hill battle. With out a real understanding of how the industry works, your asking for more heartaches and problems. You will have to get your own authority as leasing the truck on to another carrier will put you in the same position you are in now. Their insurance simply will not cover you. That means you will need to buy a trailer also. New Authority with a bad MVR will be expensive,.. expect your insurance to cost $25,000+ annually. You would almost be better off hiring a driver to drive the truck.

    I hate to sound critical,.. but this is all on you. You are and will continue to pay for your mistakes for a long time. I had a DUI in 1993 and in certain situations I still get that thrown in my face. Get your head on straight and clean up your act. You can find a job in trucking,.. but until your MVR cleans up,. I dont think its going to happen anytime soon. The only way would be with some of the larger companies who are self insured,.. and there are so many other drivers with spotless records,.. it will be difficult. Expect to be treated like a disease by this industry until your record cleans up. Keep knocking on doors,.. who knows,.. maybe you'll get lucky and someone can make it work. You wont know unless you try. How bad do you want to be in trucking?

    Joe86 Thanks this.
  10. Joe86

    Joe86 Bobtail Member

    Jun 14, 2015
    Columbia, SC
    I want to make trucking a career because I don't see myself ever needing a vacation from it. Nothing makes me happier than being on the road. How far do most commercial insurance companies go back? Most infractions on my MVR are over five years old except for two tickets and an implied consent. As I said before, I have a substantial savings and I'm prepared to come out of pocket big time. I was hoping to lease a truck with a hefty down payment of about 15-20k, have 10k for insurance, and a 30k truck fund. I'm not sure if these numbers are enough to give me a start but that and good credit is all I have. Im not sure of some of your terminology, what exactly is a new authority?
  11. Skate-Board

    Skate-Board Road Train Member

    Aug 9, 2014
    Merrimack, NH
    To be a trucking company you have to have what is called authority. You would be considered a new authority so higher risk
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