I'm a potential new guy, interested in Schneider...

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by PitchforkedPineapple, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Update, of sorts: no answer from Delaware yet. Went to take their basic skills placement test, and I ended up coaching people in the room on how to use the computers better than the state employee running the test. Then proceeded to goof two simple math questions for a score of 48/50.

    A perfect 25/25 on the Reading section took me to a screen which said that my perfect score made me "capable of interpreting some college-level textbooks." (Thanks, Delaware. The advanced degree hadn't yet proved that to me.)

    Now I have to go to a Career Planning Workshop...sigh...and that's not until 12/7.

    Filed under news from the existing industry, the community college I teach at gave me $300 of special assignment work for the Spring semester. One student, no classroom, assess that student pretty much however I feel like. And I got a call about doing some online teaching. Regardless, the CDL is going to happen. Still impatiently waiting for however many more hoops Delaware is going to make me jump through.
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  3. AppalachianTrucker

    AppalachianTrucker Heavy Load Member

    May 25, 2014
    Orion Arm
    Sound like you're doing the digital/educational sharecropping, PP.
    Brave new world, eh?
    Credential inflation and devaluing education and flat wages have brought us to this place.
    A clean CDL is like an ATM card: It'll get you a job.
    Want to work and suffer a little in the beginning to learn your chops?
    Go for it! For some, it's worth it. For others, not so much.
    The money is lying there in the road waiting to be picked up...
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
    IronRyan and PitchforkedPineapple Thank this.
  4. To a point. Agree re: flat wages - thank you, stifling government bureaucracy - but credential inflation, in my mind, stops at a bachelor's degree. The notion that college is for everyone is a lie. I have to fight that thought when I teach because hospitality is one of the few industries left where degrees in its study are available but not entirely necessary. (Maybe trucking is the same because community colleges offer CDL-A? I don't know what else those programs offer besides what is needed to get the license...do they throw in business classes or something?)

    You can still work your way up into a decent role without an undergrad in a hotel or restaurant, if you work hard and fly right. I know assistant GM's of hotels that are several classes short of an associate's degree and executive chefs that never touched culinary school.

    As for me, last time I looked, about 8% of the US population has a Master's in something. Less than half go on to get the terminal degree; PhD holders are 3.6% of the population. I don't see credential inflation on the degree side, but I do see it with certifications. There are HR people that have five and six sets of letters after their name. I had a professor during my Master's program who held eight degrees...and he listed every one after his name, every time. Gag me.
  5. mickeyrat

    mickeyrat Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    on my 30 min break
    Community college cdl courses offer more time in the seat. They tak longer but are more thorough, from what I have heard . At a cdl school, you are learning how to pass the test. minimal time in the seat before the next guy gets his turn. But its the minimum required 160 hrs.

    I'd encourage the comm college if its possible for you, may be cheaper in the long run too. Worth investigating for sure.
    91B20H8 and gentleroger Thank this.
  6. SNBC pulled all but one tanker listing in my area. Guess the reading I've been doing about their bulk business going in the terlet was true.
  7. harlycharly55

    harlycharly55 Medium Load Member

    May 5, 2014
    Houston, TX
    Just the slow time of year, and they're pushing the IC leasing real hard, they've been doing the choice board for a while with a select few, now in 2016 it's going to open for ALL IC's.
    PitchforkedPineapple Thanks this.
  8. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    All van & bulk or just van??...
  9. AM14

    AM14 Road Train Member

    Oct 6, 2015
    Jefferson Twp. NJ
    Yep. Just talked to my recruiter today about this. Every tanker position requires 3+ months experience now. She said I could do about 6 months dry van and switch but I feel like that might be easier said than done. I'm not exactly sure what my next move is going to be yet.
  10. aussiejosh

    aussiejosh Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Airlie Beach QLd
    sounds like the perfect place to work if there close by yes getting a medical certificate could be an issue, as far as height goes that really depends what type of truck they put you in some have roomy sleepers others don't the other issue you may have is being on the road all day long can you cope with driving for 10 hrs per day 6/7 days a week? Can you cope with being away from home for days at a time if the answer is yes then i'm sure you'll do fine.
  11. Nor mine. Still waiting on Delaware, and in the meantime going on interviews at hotels if they come up. Signed my teaching contract for Spring term today, so who knows.
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