Lumpers in a union??

Discussion in 'Shippers & Receivers - Good or Bad' started by dngrous_dime, May 27, 2016.

  1. dngrous_dime

    dngrous_dime Road Train Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    Lansing area, MI
    Easier to complain than actually BE the change they want....
    sdaniel and born&raisedintheusa Thank this.
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  3. Pintlehook

    Pintlehook Road Train Member

    May 2, 2013
    Good question, I'll try to answer it to the best of my ability. Simple answer is that, even with the company's offer, we offer one of the best wage/benefit packages in our area. Unfortunately, it's not as good as it used to be and our competitors have virtually eliminated the gap we used to enjoy. Another positive is that I, as an elected Union Steward, am personally involved in negotiating my (and the other driver's) future. Like it or not, most large union free companies give you a take it or leave it attitude. Sure, you may be able to negotiate with a smaller employer, but that's apples to oranges.

    About 40% of our board consists of drivers with 30 or more years of service. There is a sense of pride and camaraderie in our group, most of them don't job hop. I'd have to look at the exact numbers, but I'd say 60-70% of us have over 25 years of service.

    Bottom line is that it's a darn good job. I want my employer to appreciate my dedication to them, so I expect the same in return. Again, just my opinion. We all know it isn't just black and white.
  4. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    Now that is a true statement with many issues in the world today... Totally separate from any Union/non-Union debate.

    At times, guilty of that myself.
  5. Pintlehook

    Pintlehook Road Train Member

    May 2, 2013
    Don't think I was complaining at all, but you're entitled to your opinion.

    Union negotiating committees have a right to do just that, NEGOTIATE. I'd rather set the standards a little higher than have the industry standards lowered every day. I'm fighting an uphill battle, but I try to do my part.
  6. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    Well said sir
    Pintlehook Thanks this.
  7. dngrous_dime

    dngrous_dime Road Train Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    Lansing area, MI
    At no point was I ever referring to you or your union. My gripe today is with the mother-bleeping lumpers. For the alleged $10/hr, what good is their union actually doing them???
    sdaniel Thanks this.
  8. Pintlehook

    Pintlehook Road Train Member

    May 2, 2013
    Again, the lumpers at my facility don't belong to a union.
    already gone and Canned Spam Thank this.
  9. Pintlehook

    Pintlehook Road Train Member

    May 2, 2013
    And I'm pretty sure the actual lumper isn't setting the rates. Perhaps that should be taken up with the company that employs him/her?
    born&raisedintheusa Thanks this.
  10. dngrous_dime

    dngrous_dime Road Train Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    Lansing area, MI
    I'm still foggy on why they even NEED a lumper service. Why not hire directly with the company, and eliminate the third party? Control costs, increase efficiency, reduce wait times, happier drivers/customers.
  11. Pintlehook

    Pintlehook Road Train Member

    May 2, 2013
    Couldn't agree more.
    born&raisedintheusa Thanks this.
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