ABC documentary looking for truckies to talk AI

Discussion in 'Australian Truckers Forum' started by Sarah Gilbert ABC, May 23, 2017.

  1. Sarah Gilbert ABC

    Sarah Gilbert ABC Bobtail Member

    May 23, 2017
    Greetings truck drivers.

    My name is Sarah Gilbert and I'm helping to produce a one-hour special on Artificial Intelligence forABC's Lateline program.

    We're looking for truck drivers who are based in or are regular visitors to Sydney, for a Sydney-based shoot. We want to film a driver who has his own rig, then we want several drivers who are keen to discuss the issues that automated vehicles present for them - their jobs, their lives etc. Is the industry prepared for driverless trucks? What are the risks? How does the truck driving community see the issue?

    If you're interested or curious to learn more, please call me on 0424 312 293 or email me on


    Ozdriver Thanks this.
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