I hate jelly

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by TommyTrucker88, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. TommyTrucker88

    TommyTrucker88 Light Load Member

    Nov 16, 2016
    Hey, I got back to work finally today after a well deserved, well enjoyed holiday break. I hope everyone had a good holidays also.

    I got to my truck in the morning and my baby cranked right up despite it being -1 degrees the coldest. Sadly tho it was a short lived moment of satisfaction.

    I drove right to the stop sign of the rest area right before the main road and she went kaput on me.
    It being a first time I only looked inside the fuel tanks. Had another driver come and lend me there help. And was told what to look at. Well my fuel filter was cloudy and it didn't drain at all.

    Ended up having to get towed to the nearest service shop where they changed my filter and pumped the jell out. Then treated my fuel and heated my tanks.

    I was happy they got me on the road withing a few hours. They said they had 20 pple so far with the same problem that day. And another 40 pple today just from my company.

    So here is my questions I want to know:

    How long does it take in freezing temps for the fuel to jell up with and without any anti-jell additive?

    Will anti-jell additive prevent jelling or only slow it down. I'm curious if it is full proof method of preventing jell?

    And last but not least when fuel at the fuel stations in truck stops is treated for cold weather. How much is there fuel diluted with the anti-jell?
    midnightlost Thanks this.
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  3. A5¢

    A5¢ Medium Load Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    The fuel at truck stops is a blend of #1 & #2. The colder the climates, the higher the percentage of #1.
    midnightlost Thanks this.
  4. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    i wish i could tell you more than what you want to know. i always got my fuel at truck stops that had "winterized" diesel. but back in the old days, that was tough at times, getting from the southern truck stops.

    many times too, at nearly any company i worked for, they had onsite fueling, so it was practically guaranteed we had winterized fuels.

    anti gel does work, as long as you follow the directions on how much to use per tank. a little more cannot hurt, too little is well, useless.

    if you had a fuel tanks heating system, you would plug that in when you are at home. but, it has been my experience, they work best when you just come off the road, and the fuel has been kept somewhat warm as you were driving, from the return line.

    from there, it helps maintain a nice warm temp. it takes too darne long to get a cold fuel tank warm, if you forget to plug it in.

    as far as how much the truck stops use for anti gelling additives in thier underground tanks?

    i dunno, maybe that is dependant on each truck stop manager and the truck stop chain recommended requirements?

    check with your company's shop regarding anti-gel, and which brand (if any) they recommend. some companies allow that use, some do not. best to NOT go against company policy.
    Grubby and midnightlost Thank this.
  5. lilillill

    lilillill Sarcasm... it's not just for breakfast

    Nov 7, 2007
    Possum Booger, Alabama
    I hate jelly too. Strawberry jam is the best... er... wait... you were talking about fuel.

  6. STexan

    STexan Road Train Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Longview, TX
    It all depends on the quality of of fuel currently onboard and how recently the fuel filter(s) was changed. If concerned about one or the other, at +5 F I'd start thinking about using a quality fuel treatment a few hundred miles BEFORE you shut down. I recommend doubling the recommended dosage for good measure.

    We don't treat truck fuel unless we have a lot of southern blend on and/or temps will be at/below zero and we might shut off engine for the coldest parts. We only fuel at major truck stop chain operations.
  7. ncdriver1

    ncdriver1 Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2012


    verb: gel; 3rd person present: gels; past tense: gelled; past participle: gelled; gerund or present participle: gelling
    1. 1.
      form into a gel.
      "the mixture gelled at 7 degrees Celsius"
      • treat (the hair) with gel.
    Dan.S Thanks this.
  8. STexan

    STexan Road Train Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Longview, TX
    I do too. Especially grape, "mixed fruit", and apple. Give me any other kind of jam or preserves. Just don't give me "jelly" that has the consistency of Playdough
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    Grubby Thanks this.
  9. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    I hate gelling. I can tell you from the point of view of someone who has driven for 7 winters local. Along I90, in the Black Hills. I had too many mornings ruined, waiting to get my filters changed. This was with a Kenworth T370.
    Don't trust the fuel! They say the #2 is winterized. Anything below 10 degrees. Go with #1 and treatment. That's what we found we had to do. Below zero and I'd be pouring that treatment in like mad. Made sure I put in more than required.
    There is a product called 911. I had bought it and wanted to try it. Never did though. I know UPS uses it here. (I was a trash man. You know about someone by their trash.) You'll see it at the truck stops. Same company makes a treatment. I think it's good.

    When it gets below 10 above. I would much rather keep the truck idling if at all possible. Especially below zero. Try to keep things warm.

    Best is to have a truck set up for winter. Where the APU will heat the engine. Heaters on the lines and tank. The whole setup. I've never driven a truck with this. I pray for one now.
    I know one guy had a tractor. He had a certain line that always liked to gel up. Just that one line. Was a hassle for the company. I don't know why they didn't try to put some kind of heater strip on that line?

    On the following company policy. Heck... they have to pay for it if you gel up. The FlyingJ here would ask me during cold if my company allowed me to buy #1. They said they weren't going to let me buy #1 if the company didn't. (If you can believe that stupidity of conflict) Don't use the "I" word around here... Idiot.

    I know the FlyingJ carries #1 here. Not sure about the Loves? Pilot doesn't.
    I admit. I"m thinking of carrying extra filters and the wrench to change them out. Could save me a bunch of time. Newer trucks. Just turn the key on and the electric fuel pump will fill the filters for you. Don't have to fool around with filling the filters with fuel when installing.

    One thing I've heard of especially in europe, they do when it's cold. They'll add a little gasoline to the diesel. Interesting?
    Also.... always carry air line antifreeze. It's just basically rubbing alcohol. It's cheap. Gets cold and drain those air tanks when you park. Put some of the alcohol in those tanks. Will avoid your brakes locking up from a tiny bit of condensation in the lines.
    EDIT: On the air line antifreeze. You can just get a straw from the food court. Use that to put the antifreeze in the air tank. Hold one end to hold the liquid in the straw. Then release when you want the alcohol to drain out into the tank. Works good. I usually put about 5 straws full in each air tank.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
    Grubby Thanks this.
  10. Oldironfan

    Oldironfan Road Train Member

    May 22, 2017
    Dang now I want blackberry jam. "Seedless" is the bomb!
    Grubby and midnightlost Thank this.
  11. Oldironfan

    Oldironfan Road Train Member

    May 22, 2017
    In cold areas the fuel tankers must put something in the tanker but I'm just guessing. In Tuscola, Illinois at the road ranger there are two pallets outside with big bottles of antigen. So maybe the station adds them. My reefer gelled last week. I had Georgia fuel not treated and when I was in Wisconsin I ran it for a day and keep it running continuously figuring it would circulate and stay warm. But soon as the temp got to 0 with -9 wind chill it gelled up. So if that helps anyone. In the Wyoming and North Dakota stations the pumps say they are treated in the winter for -5 pour point. I've never had issues running truck or reefer with northern fuel.
    If you have gelled fuel, the cheapest option is red bottle diesel 911 2 bottles for a truck. Let truck idle high idle if you can for an hour or so then look at fuel filter, if it's clear you should be ok.
    For adding to non treated fuel take your pick of power service white bottle, or Howes. I still don't understand why Howes has two types that cost the same but one is meaner somehow? And for bio blends bottle direction say double dose. But most fuel is 5 to 20% bio blend so this makes no sense to me.
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