Successful Owner Ops in Canada

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Ckxtreme, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. aaronpeterbilt3787

    aaronpeterbilt3787 Medium Load Member

    Apr 2, 2016
    Do whatever makes you feel you really see yourself survivng with ELOGS? We may survive, but thats not why I went into business for myself. The OTA and mega carriers will not stop. The funny part is the carrier I'm working for is a board member of the OTA. They stand firm that ELOGS will improve safety. Yet the owner of the company continues to buy old pre 2000 tractors to circumvent the ELOG rule? So any of you that are in any kind of owner/safety/management position within a bigger company supporting these new rules ultimately know that its complete and utter ########!
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  3. aaronpeterbilt3787

    aaronpeterbilt3787 Medium Load Member

    Apr 2, 2016
    All I know is for myserlf, I'm getting out. The joke they say a decent wage isn't worth it anymore. And there is no way I'm gonna let a computer tell me I gotta shut down 45 mins from home on a friday night. Theres running legal, and there's stupidity
  4. rank

    rank Road Train Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    50 miles north of Rochester, NY
    That's hilarious
    ramblingman Thanks this.
  5. Allan M

    Allan M Medium Load Member

    Apr 20, 2009
    I really liked it at Tenold but left because of their policy of not telling you up front what the loads paid. That was before they were bought out by Mullen though so I don't know how much has changed there. I was also at Mullen for 7 years before that. They're still a good company but nothing like they were prior to going public.
    Jazz1 and rank Thank this.
  6. Ckxtreme

    Ckxtreme Bobtail Member

    Jul 25, 2015
    Well it looks like getting out of long haul seems smarter and smarter everyday.

    Yesterday we were all called to the office for an unpaid mandatory meeting (?) for a state of the Union amd safety address. Basically we are okay for now, but don't go buy that new whatever. And he's removed the owner/ops from the fleet. He did put them into company trucks to keep them employed. One guy has already thrown his truck in an auction and the other is undecided.

    On top of this, I have 3 little kids I'm never seeing, nor can I help with the raising of them. Soccer, dance, whatever. Apparently by about Thursday or Friday of each week, my oldest daughter cries in the middle of the night about daddy not being home. She's 4.
    rank Thanks this.
  7. aaronpeterbilt3787

    aaronpeterbilt3787 Medium Load Member

    Apr 2, 2016
    That should be your first sign to get the hell out of that company. PERIOD.
  8. treetrunk

    treetrunk Bobtail Member

    Mar 28, 2017
    Oh man what part of central ab.....have land in east central.

    If u want the farm acreage lifestyle, get some training in the oil patch head for fracking not cementing. Steady home time well over 100k all the Jazz.

    highway numbers not exactly sure, we're forestry and oilfield. Lately all forestry.

    Forestry is good but man you gotta beable to fix everything because you will.

    Did a transmission last weekend.

    So guys on the highway tell me they do about 20k a month figured it out one time to about 7-9k a month left to pay for a truck and maintenance....pretty skinny.

    Forestry is more add another 10 but u will break stuff.

    Like a forestry guy told me.....the closest thing to an accountant is an owner operator. Their the only ones that survive

    Not sure I would think 10-15% on a truck net. Not sure there is a lot of knowledge, and experience on this site things will pop up.

    Another guy used to always say ( he now his son ) owns 300 trucks. Either run one truck and make money....or run 100.

    I'm not a good listener I run 3. Can be done but tough.
  9. 6rider

    6rider Light Load Member

    Oct 24, 2016
    That's a tough thing to say with the Alberta economy and his position.
    dustinbrock, gokiddogo and AModelCat Thank this.
  10. Rickzappa

    Rickzappa Bobtail Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    what type of owner truck work were you doing? that has a lot to do with it
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