If you want to work in the oilfield

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by SavageMuffin, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. SavageMuffin

    SavageMuffin Medium Load Member

    Jan 11, 2018
    Well, there’s a couple ways to go with your first question.
    1. You could go work OTR for a year to get some experience driving. If you do I would suggest either tankers or flatbed.

    2. Get a job that’s more physical
    but still requires a CDL like on a Frac crew etc. A lot of companies will “grow” employees in house. Like on a workover rig, once you’re ready to drive the rig you have to have a CDL. So there’s always that approach.

    3. Just cold call some places and ask around. Some might hire you to run a hotshot or a straight truck while training you on a combination vehicle. We’ve done it where I’m at. I know several people who have never been OTR or any of that and drive a semi everyday out here. Typically oilfield experience will win out over say a OTR experience.

    As far as team driving no, not really. A lot of companies run day cabs and you work in shifts. So, you may or may not slip seat a truck but typically teaming isn’t a thing. Now, if you’re a 3rd party carrier moving rods, pipe, casing etc from say Texas to ND then that might be more fitting for a team.

    The biggest thing about getting started is establishing contact and showing up.

    So I guess all in all... it’s up to you. Personally I’m glad I had that OTR experience but if you can get hired without having to have it I would say just jump into the oilfield.
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  3. KENNE1982

    KENNE1982 Bobtail Member

    Jun 2, 2019
    great thread! thanks
  4. SavageMuffin

    SavageMuffin Medium Load Member

    Jan 11, 2018
    Hope it helps! Any questions just ask. If I can’t answer I’ll see if I can find some more experience to help out.
    SurfBaker Thanks this.
  5. KENNE1982

    KENNE1982 Bobtail Member

    Jun 2, 2019
    I’ve applied online at a lot of the companies you posted but none have taken a chance on me. My work history is in impeccable, I worked for DOD as a civilian for the last 10 years, I’m a us army vet and live in San Antonio. All I ever get is the token “we want to thank you for applying BUT you weren’t selected” email. Any tips on how a new driver can get one of these companies to take a chance on he or she?
    Lab_Rat_Logistics Thanks this.
  6. SavageMuffin

    SavageMuffin Medium Load Member

    Jan 11, 2018
    Make sure your resume is on point, clear and concise. Maybe try applying for other positions in said companies or one that’s lower than what you’re applying.

    Other than that, just keep hammering away apps and making phone calls. Depending on the shape you’re in and you’re prior experience maybe look into contracting?
  7. KENNE1982

    KENNE1982 Bobtail Member

    Jun 2, 2019
    You know if there was critique of myself I would say it would be my resume. It’s formatted for Federal Jobs which makes it look a litte all over the place. Thanks
    SavageMuffin Thanks this.
  8. Dadetrucking305

    Dadetrucking305 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 15, 2011
    Don’t Know about everyone else,but cleaning rigs we didn’t get warm up breaks and such just kept going.
  9. SavageMuffin

    SavageMuffin Medium Load Member

    Jan 11, 2018
    I say warm up break but it was more like fill up a water bottle with coffee smoke a cigarette and get back to work.
  10. LDLWells

    LDLWells Heavy Load Member

    Jan 14, 2019
    I was down on the reservation and saw a company called Synergy had a sign out that said, Welcome New Drivers in New Town, ND. Might be worth giving a call if you have no experience. I wouldn't expect much from them compared to a mega except hourly pay and more money.
    like clay… +++ and SavageMuffin Thank this.
  11. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    Have 18 months in OTR.
    Be better off waiting on a full two years?
    Better chance at good job?
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