Black smoke matters. Can someone give me the cliff notes version?

Discussion in 'Other News' started by FlaSwampRat, Aug 16, 2019.

  1. FlaSwampRat

    FlaSwampRat Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2019
    Valrico FL

    What is the big ####ing deal with hos and eld? Now ya gotta play by the rules so you are pissed? Am I seeing this the wrong way? I'm out in a truck on average 12-13 hours a day and that's enough. If you need to run 20 hours a day you are obviously not getting paid enough or all that meth you are using to stay awake days on end is starting to cost too much... viscous circle. Maybe I'm just seeing this the wrong way so please correct me if I am.
    miszel Thanks this.
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  3. Snailexpress

    Snailexpress Road Train Member

    Apr 28, 2014
    Nobody forcing you to work 20 hours. No body allowed to run 20 hours a day. All changes is I can stop my 14 hours clock and proceed after 3 hours break. With new rules In can avoid driving in bad weather condition, rush hours, stop when i'm got sleepy to take a nap. It's will not affect your daily routine unless yours company decide to.
  4. lilillill

    lilillill Sarcasm... it's not just for breakfast

    Nov 7, 2007
    Possum Booger, Alabama
    Under the current rules, I have to slap myself silly to stay awake sometimes. I can't stop to take a nap when I need to. I am always tired and pissed off since switching from paper to ELD.
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