O/O Leased to company

Discussion in 'ELD Forum | Questions, Answers and Reviews' started by snake445, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. snake445

    snake445 Bobtail Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    Ok, A while back I looked up this very question and found the answer. My company used omnitrac's and I use Garmin elog, They are now saying the insurance is "mandating" I switch over and by into there system. I looked high an low for this for the past 2 hours, I wonder if anyone has ran into this issue and found the law on it. I know a year back I found it and it is a law they can't force me to by into there crap. But I need it in black and white.
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  3. RustyBolt

    RustyBolt Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    Bement, IL
    I would wager that in your lease contract it says something to the effect that this agreement can be ended by either party at any time for any reason.

    Not switching to Omnitracs when their insurance requires it falls under "any reason". Besides, buying that little box is a lot cheaper than $20k/yr for your own insurance when they drop you.
  4. Cat sdp

    Cat sdp . .

    Apr 8, 2012
    Orion's Belt
    They can require you to use their e-log, but they can’t charge you for it........

    They can’t force you to pay /buy anything from them without an option to buy your own anywhere you want to......

    Least that’s what I’ve read, and I don’t have a link. However if you don’t agree they will just can you.
  5. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    Doesn't everybody charge?
  6. Dieselboss

    Dieselboss Technology Contributor

    Feb 19, 2009
    It's up to the company. For instance there is a trucking operation with maybe 12 trucks next to my location. He puts DirecTV satellite TV and ELD's in all of his trucks and he pays for the service on both. He does it as an incentive to recruit and keep good drivers. There is no rule that states who has to pay so it's kinda up to the trucking company.
  7. Mike250rs

    Mike250rs Heavy Load Member

    Sep 24, 2019
    Raleigh, NC
    Requiring you to use a certain ELD system can be more due to their back end software than strictly insurance.

    We run McLeod and require our leased drivers to use a a very short list of ELD's that integrate with our dispatching software.

    They buy and maintain their own ELD's. We sell them nothing.
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