
Discussion in 'CR England' started by lostatroad, Dec 4, 2019.

  1. lostatroad

    lostatroad Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    pretty new truck driver, just started 4 months ago. last night i got into an accident (only i didn't know it was considered an accident) where i took a wrong turn and ended up stuck in a muddy dead end road. called cre road services and got towed out of there 3 hours later (trying to turn around and getting stuck over and over again). so i was driving again and like an hour later, i felt exhausted from the stress of what happened. pulled over and passed out. this morning, my team partner gets a call from our dm scolding us. we "didn't call after hours last night" (thought they were connected with road services), we "didn't send in an accident form macro" (??), and we were "shut down for 6 hours". we were supposed to pick up a load this morning which we obviously can't take anymore because it's going to be way too late (honestly it was already going to be too late before the accident, i told my dm twice that it's not possible to deliver on time since it's 1250~ miles in 24 hours but they weren't very understanding). "you failed to reload. this is unacceptable" were the last words before they hung up. what the heck does that mean? am i going to be fired?
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  3. JonJon78

    JonJon78 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2018
    Communication is the key to success out here. Not sure if you will get fired or not but from here on out you need to communicate with dispatch or a fleet manager anytime your going to be late, brokedown, or whatever the case may be.

    This is not only for CR England but with any company you are working for.
  4. truckdriver31

    truckdriver31 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    always call or send in a message asap. you own some of this problem too. learn and dont repeat it at next job. yes you are toast at cre. you didnt report a incident or accident. all this lead to a failed pick up.
    JonJon78 and gentleroger Thank this.
  5. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Remember to always cover your rear end. Report everything.
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  6. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Talking up a corporate drone pleading 1250 miles in 24 hours marching orders is futile. You can expect to be fired. Or branded with the words "Service Failure" You might as well work for someone else.

    Thats just one of the joys of trucking arguing with corporate who does not give a #### about you. You are replacable. You are essentially peeing in a hurricane, you will just make a mess of yourself barking about stuff the CRE does not wanna hear.

    You did not send in satellite messages as needed by Corporate among other things. But I am not here to pile on you. You knew enough there might be a problem already. So it's such a hot mess. Move on with your life.

    Stop taking that truck into mud or whatever.
    rachi and truckdriver31 Thank this.
  7. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    I don't think they would fire you since not damage to the truck. A tow truck is not cheap so they might say something like anything over $200 is and accident for them but not enough to fire you. Then you might get hit with service fail for not picking up that load. Because they don't care much about the drivers and run you like a team. Team freight is 24 hour a day. Looks like CRE is still doing the 1200 miles in 24 hour thing. They did that when I was trainer for them long time ago. I never liked that.

    The only thing I would say is next time if all you need is a tow truck. See if you can pay yourself. They are not cheap probably $500-1,000 for stuck in the mud.
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  8. truckdriver31

    truckdriver31 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    its a unreported incident to safety. companies will let you go for ripping off a mud flap
  9. lostatroad

    lostatroad Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    thanks for all the information. i sent in an accident form macro even though it's way too late but the lady in that department seemed cool since i didn't really know about it. the lack of comms when it comes to fatigue was bad on my part so that's a lesson learned. the other thing is that our dm made us accept this new load anyway (the 1250 miles in 24 hours one) so now we're going to be about 10 hours late on delivery and she never gave us a new appt time. before we got into the accident and we told her it was not possible to make the pickup time AND delivery time, she kept saying "pick up time doesn't matter, only delivery time" (?) so does that mean accepting this load was a bad idea and it's just gonna screw us over even more? also, is a "service failure" a permanent mark on my record or does it drop off?
  10. HoneyBadger67

    HoneyBadger67 Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2018
    Savannah, TN
    Stop calling it an 'accident'. Accidents happen when all parties involved do everything possible to avoid an INCIDENT. In this case you didn't do what was necessary to avoid it (i.e. route planning).

    If you stay at England, the service failure should drop off after a year. If they can you, it will limit some of your employment options. You'd better have some food and plenty of empty water bottles because you're only gonna stop for fuel.
  11. mud23609

    mud23609 Medium Load Member

    Mar 9, 2015
    You have been offered good advice.

    I will comment on the 1250 miles in 24 hours though. It is very possible to run those miles in that amount of time. I regularly run 600 plus mile days in a 64 mph truck and I have to plan for parking which you don’t. Keep the left door closed and when you do stop. Use rest areas instead of truck stops unless you need fuel. Just the trip into and out of the truck stop will often waste 15 minutes of drive time. This doesn’t include parking or time spent in the store. Just time lost in navigating surface streets, traffic lights and getting back up to highway speed. A rest area will be less than 5 usually.

    You got to run hard to make those miles but it is possible.
    HoneyBadger67 and Vic Firth Thank this.
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