I have searched and seen that this problem isn't rare, but I'm not sure which direction to go.
My fan always stays on. If the key is on, The solenoid is blowing air. If the key is off, the solenoid is blowing air. Air is constantly flowing to the fan no matter the voltage at the solenoid.
If I take the air supply off the fan side, the fan stops. The fan requires air to run,, which I thought was odd.
Fan override switch doesn't influence anything.
( Except I did smoke out a fan solenoid and it caused a ENG WARN light to show up,, flipping the Override switch removed the Warning)
Any ideas? I wasn't sure to post this in International or Freightliner, because of the Detroit/Freightliner relationship.
Thanks to all.
12.7 60Series Fan always on 1998 INT-9400
Discussion in 'International Forum' started by mojo2010, Dec 4, 2024.
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Rideandrepair Thanks this.
beastr123 and Rideandrepair Thank this.
What happens if you unplug the solenoid with the truck running?
Was it always like that or did it start doing it recently?
Did you get the part using the VIN or what was already on there? -
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