12.7 detroit upgrades

Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by prerunner404, Jun 21, 2016.

  1. allan5oh

    allan5oh Road Train Member

    Jan 6, 2010
    Winnipeg, mb
    Are you going right to the floor after the shifts? Your truck smokes very little compared to mine.
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  3. prerunner404

    prerunner404 Medium Load Member

    Aug 3, 2011
    lake havasu city az
    Mine will throw some smoke if I hammer it between shifts and won't smoke if I granny foot it through shifts.
    Vampire Thanks this.
  4. allan5oh

    allan5oh Road Train Member

    Jan 6, 2010
    Winnipeg, mb
    Mine does closer to 40 psi. On a stock KW 35psi gauge it will point straight down usually. 171702 turbo, fulltilt manifold, 7650 injectors, 8309 cam, Rebel127 tune.

    What does yours do for EGT's? At cruise when its hot out and during a pull?
  5. prerunner404

    prerunner404 Medium Load Member

    Aug 3, 2011
    lake havasu city az
    Right now in AZ were 108 deg out and up. My cruise egts have been running around 650-700 loaded at 70-75mph. Hottest I've seen pulling a hill fully loaded in that heat has been about 860 on egt. I've got a big 4 core radiator and big cac to help with temps since it gets so hot out here in AZ.
    Vampire and Intothesunset Thank this.
  6. allan5oh

    allan5oh Road Train Member

    Jan 6, 2010
    Winnipeg, mb
    Yeah mine runs too warm. Fan will come in pulling hills in any sort of heat. I don't even have to make full power. I think the injectors need to be replaced too.

    I can hit 1000 F in a pull easily too. Anything over 32psi will do it. That's the 7650 injectors though.
  7. prerunner404

    prerunner404 Medium Load Member

    Aug 3, 2011
    lake havasu city az
    Ya that doesn't sound good. I'm really happy with the 5915 injectors I put in. Next will be a 4912 cam( I think that's the part number) and that cam will match up well with my injectors.
  8. swaan

    swaan Road Train Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    BC canada
    Hey prerunner,
    Where did you get your 5915 injectors from .
    I'm thinking of swapping out my 7635 to the 5915.
    But everybody I talk to want the same injectors back for cores. How did you do it ? Or did you just pay the core charge.
  9. prerunner404

    prerunner404 Medium Load Member

    Aug 3, 2011
    lake havasu city az
    I actually found a guy in las Vegas who was close to me and he sent me a brand new set of flowed and balanced 5915's. His core was only $50 a injector. It's a deal I couldn't pass up. Here's his number give him a call. image.jpeg
    Vampire, RubyEagle and swaan Thank this.
  10. prerunner404

    prerunner404 Medium Load Member

    Aug 3, 2011
    lake havasu city az
    He didn't care about getting 5915's in return back on the cores. Also sent me a new valve cover gasket and all the o rings and washers ect needed for install
    Vampire and RubyEagle Thank this.
  11. swaan

    swaan Road Train Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    BC canada
    Man that sounds great!!!
    I'll give him a ring tommorow.
    Thanks .
    Does your engine run noticeably smoother with the 5915 over the ones you had .
    Vampire and prerunner404 Thank this.
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