1998 International Electrical Issue

Discussion in 'International Forum' started by 21blaumeyer, Sep 3, 2024.

  1. 21blaumeyer

    21blaumeyer Bobtail Member

    Apr 11, 2024
    Central MN
    I have a 1998 9400 INTL with a n14 Cummins and a 10 speed manual. For the last couple of months my radio will randomly shut off and the CB speaker will crackle. I have looked at the power in wires and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. Recently running nights with the lights on i have noticed that the dash lights will flicker when the radio shuts off or the cb crackles, and when starting the truck it acts like its not getting enough power or that the starter is going out. The only place that all 3 of these things would be tied into together would be the ignition switch. I have replaced the starter and the starter solenoid on the fire about a year ago. Is this a symptom that the ignition switch is going out? Thank you in advance
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  3. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Run another ground wire to the cab and that the ground to the frame is good. I doubt it's the ignition switch.
    beastr123 and 21blaumeyer Thank this.
  4. 21blaumeyer

    21blaumeyer Bobtail Member

    Apr 11, 2024
    Central MN
    I’ve heard that international hasn’t been known for their electrical reliability while eating in the driver pits. So that must be true then? I’ll clean up the ground I can find and add another when I get back home. Thank you!
    201 Thanks this.
  5. Inderjit

    Inderjit Medium Load Member

    Sep 17, 2017
    A slow cranking engine is not from a failing ignition switch. More likely a bad connection somewhere in the batteries and cabling. It could be a bad crimp holding a terminal on a cable or a cable corroding away are a couple possibilities. There are two fusible links coming off the starter battery terminal that supply the cab and starter. I would start there make sure the connections are clean and tight. Go over every connection on the battery cables from the starter to the frame ground. Are the crimped on ends clean and tight? Are the nuts on the batteries tight. Are the nuts holding the cables on the starter tight?
  6. 21blaumeyer

    21blaumeyer Bobtail Member

    Apr 11, 2024
    Central MN

    I have figured out that the cause for the starting issue was corroded battery terminals I got those cleaned up and the truck starts fine. The issue that I still haven’t figured out is that the radio will randomly shut off and the CB radio will randomly crackle. I’ve noticed my volt meter Fluctuates it never reads any less than 13.9 and will read as high as mid 16 depending on how heavy the pull. It jumps around as you accelerate, but once you’re on level ground or coasting, it will settle back at 13.9 V I cleaned the main ground at the starter and at the frame and cleaned all the connections at the alternator and it’s still continues to do this. I’m wondering is this an issue that I should continue to pursue find a solution or just accept as is.
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