2 violations one 1 included in “SMS”

Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by Alzrn, Sep 13, 2024.

  1. Alzrn

    Alzrn Bobtail Member

    Apr 22, 2021
    Photo attached shows I got 2 violations and only the lane restriction was included in the “sms” and I only received the 3 csa points for the lane violation.

    does this mean the other violation was a warning and no points?

    Attached Files:

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  3. wis bang

    wis bang Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2011
    Levittown, PA
    Never saw an out of service item NOT included...I think they are backwards; the lane violation was for a local [cali] violation and probably should not have been included...
  4. Alzrn

    Alzrn Bobtail Member

    Apr 22, 2021
    I’m guessing bc it was just a verbal warning maybe he just told me to tighten one thing up
  5. wis bang

    wis bang Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2011
    Levittown, PA
    NO, out of service means a large red sticker in you windshield requiring immediate repair, etc and adds extra points on the carrier'z SMS for that violation. As I mentioned, I've only seen 'local' laws, like improper lane change, etc. not included while a federal securement violation that is 'out of service' is always listed. the points would be much more than what you said so I'd leave it alone.

    I don't think the inspector was cutting you a break so it might have been accidental on his part.
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