20 days on, and 10 days off

Discussion in 'CRST' started by bamamac, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. bamamac

    bamamac Medium Load Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    Does anyone here do this, and if you do how is it working out for you?
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  3. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    I hear alot of drivers work there 20 days on..................

    that's it,....then they're gone !!!!!

    aggie1978 Thanks this.
  4. aggie1978

    aggie1978 Light Load Member

    Mar 16, 2008
    Jackson, MI

    that for sure is about how it is now a days
  5. FatDaddy

    FatDaddy Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Katy, TX or Swedesboro, NJ
    I did it, and I didn't like it. Now the 10 days off is nice, but the key is you have to be able to afford 10 days off. Can you go 10 days without a paycheck? I can't and that's why it didn't work out. I have run the numbers and I get more miles staying out 28 days and going home 4 than the 20/10, and since I am stir crazy sitting around the house by the 3rd day anyway, why would I want to put myself in a postition to go broke each month?

    You have to remember, that truck still needs service, you might break down, you may shutdown this time of year do the weather. All these things are going to affect your check during your 20 days on....and then you have 10 days to not make any money while you are enjoying home time. Remember, the company pushes this program hard because it benefits THEM...not the driver. They have a truck whose wheels are always turning as opposed to sitting up to 4 days a month. Keep that in mind
    majortom Thanks this.
  6. majortom

    majortom Light Load Member

    Jan 28, 2011
    OR LESS!!!:biggrin_25525:

    20/10 is yet another ruse. Only possible if you are domiciled circa a larger city.

    Ain't happening homeboy.

    Team driving with one stranger is stressful enough........Imagine dropping stranger off and picking up 2nd stranger?

    Remember.......it is your responsibility to assemble the 3 person team to rotate.

    Rarely, if ever does it work out.

    Just another pipe dream propogated by CRST advertising............


    run as fast as you can.......................
  7. majortom

    majortom Light Load Member

    Jan 28, 2011
    Excellent point!!!! Most of the newbies that wander on to this site think that they will be paid in full during these 10 days!! LMAO:biggrin_2559: SURPRISE!!!

    Thanks FatDaddy! You are right on the money!

    Realists/experienced (honest) CRST vets are hard to find.
    FatDaddy Thanks this.
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