2006 VNL 670: Operating shore power outlets on inverter power

Discussion in 'Volvo Forum' started by MGE Dawn, Jul 6, 2024.

  1. MGE Dawn

    MGE Dawn Road Train Member

    May 19, 2019
    Vancouver, WA
    Looking for some guidance as I finish up restoring my truck so I can get out of the loaner I've been running to stay afloat. It's equipped with 110V shore power but no factory inverter, and I'm hoping to use the shore power wall outlets to run my fridge and my microwave. For hopefully obvious reasons, relying on shore power for those is the polar opposite of ideal.

    So while I have the interior pulled apart from replacing my floor, what with this being the perfect opportunity to add/rearrange any wiring in the sleeper, does anyone have any advice as to how to go about tying in the shore power system into an aftermarket inverter, such that I can functionally use either as necessary until such a time as I can obtain and install an APU?

    Thanks in advance.
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  3. loudtom

    loudtom Road Train Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    If you're not using the stock shore power plug again, disconnect that plug from the circuit. Then make a plug with 2 male ends, plug one into the inverter, the other into the outlet under the bunk. This will provide power to the outlets on the walls.

    If you want to use shore power, you unplug the cord from the inverter and plug that into the extension cord giving you power. If you leave the shore power plug connected and use it while the inverter is still plugged in, it will fry it.
    MGE Dawn Thanks this.
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