2012 International Prostar Engine Derate

Discussion in 'International Forum' started by rebeccastransport, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. rebeccastransport

    rebeccastransport Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    My engine derated out of the blue and had shut off engine message on and did not say need to regen or anything. We drove the truck for about 50 or so miles and it eventually dropped to 5 mph then it started to shut off and we would crank it up and go a little further because we were in the middle of nowhere and were trying to get back into the closest town. Eventually it started to blow white smoke from the exhaust off and on and you could smell diesel really bad and one time it sounded like it backfired. Eventually it would not go into drive after cranking so I could move it off the road and the police chief hooked a chain to me and pulled me off the road. Does this mean that it's the DPF and could I have damaged the engine by driving it? This truck just has the DPF, no DEF. Thanks in advance for your replies.
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  3. pmdriver

    pmdriver Road Train Member

    Nov 14, 2017
    Was it the red check engine light? That means stop right now or major problems will follow, the yellow check engine light means get to a place asap so it does not turn red.
    rebeccastransport Thanks this.
  4. rebeccastransport

    rebeccastransport Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    Yes it was the red light. I'm having it towed to a shop today...hopefully it's good news.
    Heavyd Thanks this.
  5. Heavyd

    Heavyd Road Train Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Hopefully, just a super plugged DPF. Sometimes the plugging happens quicker than the truck can trigger regen warning lights and unfortunately goes straight to level 4 shutdown with no warning. Since the exhaust is horribly plugged, the engine will run horrible and smoke. Generally, once the pipe is disconnected after the turbo and it can breathe properly, it will run just fine. If the DPF is plugged, now they need to see why. This is where it can still go bad. Good luck! Let us know.
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