2024 International mv, switch pack question

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by radsmachine, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. radsmachine

    radsmachine Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2024
    I found the wires just outside the firewall that go to the switches on the dash. Hooked-up fog lights to one of them and they worked great! Fast forward till I had to use them last night and the darn things go off at 30 MPH...All of the switches do. How do I remedy this?
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  3. 062

    062 Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    Should be a parameter change.
    Heavyd Thanks this.
  4. Heavyd

    Heavyd Road Train Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Ok, lets start from the beginning. What wires did you find? Is there a number on them, what colour are they? What switches specifically are you talking about?
    062 Thanks this.
  5. radsmachine

    radsmachine Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2024

    Attached Files:

  6. Heavyd

    Heavyd Road Train Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Your truck was ordered with PTO accommodation package. 0060AKG. Those rocker switches are meant to power PTO engagement solenoids, not for lights. The truck is programmed to kill power to those switches at speeds higher than 30 mph to protect the PTO and trans.

    33.10. 60AKG: BDY INTG, PTO ACCOMMODATION for (3) Latched Rocker Switches, (1) PTO Switch, (2) Generic Switches to Control (3) 30-amp relays, with Programmable Interlocks, for Body Builder Hook up in the Engine Compartment Left Side, Recommended for Automatic Transmissions. Note: Not compatible with T14 Transmission Feature Applicability to Vehicle Platforms: • Heavy Vocational (HV) • Medium Vocational (MV) • Heavy Extreme (HX) 2021 and Newer Extended Description: This feature provides two 2-position Latched Rocker switches that control two auxiliary loads requiring a total of two Body Controller relay driver outputs driving fused 30-amp relays. Outputs default to disengage when vehicle speed reaches 30-MPH. The outputs will only be available in IGN or accessory key-state. This feature is used for applications such as the rear work or scene light. If the operator forgets to turn the light off before driving away, the light will shut off when the driver hits 30-MPH. The switches can be interlocked with certain programmable conditions. These conditions can be set as programmable parameters using the Diamond Logic® Builder software. These parameters are listed and explained below. Each of the two outputs has its’ own set of parameters. Blunt cut wires are provided in the engine compartment for the body builder to connect to. Please refer to the circuit diagram manual for additional information on wiring. This feature also provides the customer with the ability to control a customer-supplied PTO with an in-dash switch. The PTO switch also utilizes a Body Controller relay driver output to control a fused 30-amp relay located in the cab power distribution panel. A blunt cut wire is provided in the engine compartment to provide power to the PTO solenoid. Programmable parameters allow customers to customize the functionality of their PTO. Please use the Diamond Logic® Builder software to determine pin and switch locations for Body Controller outputs and to set programmable parameters (refer to Feature, Connector and Center Panel section).

    If you aren't using a PTO, the speed can be programmed out if you are only using them for lights.
    062 Thanks this.
  7. radsmachine

    radsmachine Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2024
    Thanks for that. So without the software I can’t use them? I’ll just have to go old school.
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