2A and delivering to federal facilities?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Bret1984, Dec 6, 2023.

  1. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    Valid points and definitely something to consider. I used their form to check rates from city to city but the rates didn't seem too impressive to me at first glance. Maybe there is value in shipping as you've mentioned. That would great if so. I'm just a pessimist by nature so i tend to assume the worst.
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  3. Razororange

    Razororange Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2011
    Milwaukee, WI
    SMG provides a shipping label from their FFL as if they are shipping it. They set it up with a receiving FFL wherever you are sending it to.

    While it is 100% legal to ship a firearm through UPS/FEDEX they won't do it unless you have a FFL Account because of their own policies.

    I've shipped a firearm back to a manufacturer before for warranty work. They sold me the label and I stuck it in a box. Dropped it off at a UPS store no problem since it had an approved label. Then when they finished it was shipped back to me through UPS. Since it was my own firearm already they were legally able to ship it direct to my home. Just had to make sure somebody was there to sign for it.

    If you are shipping a shotgun or rifle to yourself you can just put it in a box and use USPS to mail it to your own house. Handguns and NFA stuff have to go through a private carrier. USPS won't touch them.
  4. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    Not sure what the manufacturer sent directly to you but a regulated firearm must be received by an FFL holder. I assuming it was an upper or incomplete handgun of some sort?
  5. DannyB

    DannyB Medium Load Member

    Apr 13, 2008
    Jackson Mi
    I've delivered to a few prisons. They didn't ask, I didn't offer. No problem. Had a load of glycerin to a biodiesel plant, they asked, I said yes, I have a weapon. Was told you can't bring it in. I said fine, sign the bills "load refused" and I'll take it back. "But we need the stuff or have to shut down". Not my problem, where I go, the .45 goes. They escorted me in, even helped me hook up. Never asked me again.
    Now, I've also refused loads as it was stated BEFORE loading that a weapon would be an issue.
    Not apologizing for being armed. Been shot before, and I shot back. I'm still here, he isn't.
    Not going to "trust the government" to protect me. We all know, well most of us know, that story rarely ends well.
  6. Razororange

    Razororange Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2011
    Milwaukee, WI
    It was a suppressor that was shipped directly to the manufacturer and returned direct to my door. That is 100% legal. As long as it's being sent to the FFL for repair or customization it can be returned direct to the owner by the FFL.

    You can also mail firearms direct to yourself anytime. If you personally won't be there to receive it you can mail it care of another person and they can receive the package they just aren't allowed to open it.

    ATF website saying you can legally mail to yourself:

    ATF Q&A document saying you can legally ship to a FFL and they can direct return to you:

    Question 6 quoted below with bold emphasis added for the relevant section.

  7. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    That's interesting that one can ship their own firearm themselves. That was mentioned in the Pew Pew link posted earlier.
  8. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Or just google "FFL near me" and have them ship it home. I don't understand this desire to avoid the FFL. Printing a shipping lable is not a hurdle to any FFL. FFLs ship guns every day and the carriers are familiar with them. 5 pages of replies AFTER the solution to the OPs question. Okay.

    Does anyone claim the nearby FFL cannot ship a gun to the gun store back home? If OP had asked about moving 20 pallets would we have 5 pages of replies trying to avoid hiring a trucking company?
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2023
  9. Accidental Trucker

    Accidental Trucker Road Train Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    Anytime an FFL has a firearm in their possession, it must be logged into their books. Every time it leaves ther possession, it must be logged out of their books, either by transfer to another FFL, or to a acceptable buyer, verified by a background check (4473) or by CWL.

    Some have no desire to have their name in a Federal database (yeah, I know, I know). SMG is a way to avoid the fees and hassle created by having to use an FLL for shipping (not receiving) by carrier regulation. In other words, the carriers force shippers to use an FLL to ship hand guns, and SMG is a LEGAL workaround, saving cost and hassle associated with using the FFL. You still need to use an FFL on the receiving end if shipping to another person.

    States may have additional rules, mine does not.

    Cost wise, it’s similar to services like Pirateship. I’ve gotten almost 70% reductions off counter rates on overnight shipments on FedEx, which was a substantial saving (almost $600 off on a $900 shipment). Regular UPS local shipments are less than half the counter price. When shipping parts that’s pretty substantial.
  10. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    You're delusional if you think SMG isnt forwarding all pertinent information to the FFLs as required by law. I understand not wanting to deal with FFLs but if someone is already that type of person I bet they wouldn't be in a situation where shipping a gun would be needed in the first place.
  11. Accidental Trucker

    Accidental Trucker Road Train Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    From your responses it is rather clear you are misinformed about the laws governing the shipping of firearms.
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