2A and delivering to federal facilities?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Bret1984, Dec 6, 2023.

  1. DannyB

    DannyB Medium Load Member

    Apr 13, 2008
    Jackson Mi
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  3. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    There are consequences to not following the rules. That's why I wrote 'Life comes with a rulebook'. Being a hero of your own stories doesn't convince some 18 year old MP at the base entrance that the rules his chain of command train him to follow do not apply to you. The MP and the base commander have no obligation to adjust their views to your views. You don't have to agree with the company rules, base rules, the city rules, the state rules, or the Federal rules before they can punish you for violating those rules, it just seems that way since Generation TidePods showed up. Carrying a firearm sets you up for some situations that do not exist if you don't carry, just as not carrying sets you up for situations that don't exist if you do. Refusing to have a plan doesn't exempt you from consequences. I'm not advocating drivers carry a gun or don't carry a gun. I'm suggesting every driver that does carry a gun have a plan to deal with situations where guns are not allowed to be present.

    The "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 (or 10)" argument doesn't mean those are the only 2 consequences related to carrying a firearm. Carrying a firearm the company doesn't want in their trucks can easily turn a minor dispute with a customer's employee into getting fired. It can turn a medical emergency for the driver into a firing event when the unauthorized gun is discovered after the driver is taken by ambulance to the hospital and the company sends another driver to collect your stuff and ship it home, etc. If you are prepared to pay for a heart-attack or stroke then don't worry about getting fired and losing your health insurance because you broke company policy. If you are prepared to miss a customer appointment, and maybe that's the last straw for you according to the company, because your truck was broken into and your gun was stolen and the time required for the police report messed up the dispatch plans, etc, etc, etc. Having and not having a gun comes with responsibility and consequences, refusing to anticipate them has no impact on IF those consequences visit you. Unless your crystal ball comes with a guarantee you have no idea what situations are going to happen tomorrow. Have a plan for them unless you are some Jason Bourne type that thinks 100 times better in the heat of the moment than you do during a calm period.
    tarmadilo Thanks this.
  4. haz-matguru

    haz-matguru Road Train Member

    Feb 18, 2012
  5. Bret1984

    Bret1984 Medium Load Member

    Mar 4, 2020
    Fort Worth, TX
    Absolutely not! That's what my boss said to do is to just chuck it in a ditch somewhere and go back for it. In the off chance it did get found by someone else then there's no telling what that person's intentions might be. I'm not trying to arm a potential criminal. Lord knows the Houston area is full of those. I actually found a brother with our Houston chapter who wasn't working. He drove out and held it for me then refused to accept any money from me. Definitely a solid bro! So I owe that dude a ton of beers.
    RockinChair Thanks this.
  6. Bret1984

    Bret1984 Medium Load Member

    Mar 4, 2020
    Fort Worth, TX
    That's why I keep protection and advise anyone else in our industry who is legally able to do so to do the same. Yes, it's a bit tricky when navigating different states but in my case I'm regional in a region where it's legal in the surrounding states as well. My CHL is also valid in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas and New Mexico.
  7. Bret1984

    Bret1984 Medium Load Member

    Mar 4, 2020
    Fort Worth, TX
    Company policy is the driver needs to have a CHL/CCW license if crossing state lines.
  8. Bret1984

    Bret1984 Medium Load Member

    Mar 4, 2020
    Fort Worth, TX
    I don't know about these civilian security companies contracted by these different state and federal agencies but the military base I do have first hand knowledge of. I've gotten stuck on that crappy gate guard detail more times than I would like while I was in the service. If it's a military base you simply declare your privately owned weapon to the gate guard. If the private checking ID's seems confused just ask for his SOG (sergeant of the guard) he will get a sub hand receipt form and fill it out. He'll give you that form at which time he takes possession of your POW. Hold on to the form. When you leave the installation just give back the form and your POW will be returned to you.
    RockinChair and DannyB Thank this.
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