30 spun out semi trucks closed Snoqualmie Pass after failing to chain up
Drivers-there’s absolutely NO EXCUSE for this!! NONE!!!
1 or 2 trucks I could see doing some F’d up s*** but 30?!?! Are you F’n kidding me???
Washington DOT is going to be on the warpath after this!!
30 Trucks Fail To CHAIN UP On Snoqualmie Pass
Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by mjd4277, Dec 1, 2023.
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Crude Truckin', Siinman, mjd4277 and 3 others Thank this.
A friendly reminder on Washington State chain laws.
They even provide diagrams to show which axles and tires should be chained!
What are commercial vehicle chain requirements in Washington state?Crude Truckin', Siinman, Flat Earth Trucker and 5 others Thank this. -
Crude Truckin', Bean Jr., Flat Earth Trucker and 2 others Thank this.
You know what the chain up sign means? It means you park it. Look ahead on the weather folks.
Grouch, LtlAnonymous, snowmantrucking101 and 9 others Thank this. -
Grouch, Flat Earth Trucker, lual and 1 other person Thank this.
One would think having to pay the tow bill for such conditions would be punishment enough. Can't imagine that gets done for cheap or free.
Crude Truckin' and Bean Jr. Thank this. -
That be what weather and road condition apps/websites are for but sadly most fly blindly by the seat of their pants and/or don’t speak nor understand english. I chain up, I used to live up there near Yakima. Every time I’ve chained up there was always them one or two clowns that tempted fate without chaining and ruined it for everyone that did chain.
IH Truck Guy, mjd4277 and Bud A. Thank this.
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