32 yarder for residential pick up

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by jonknuckles71, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Mack LR's at work for New York City Department of Sanitation. DSNY has a fleet of 2500 heavy duty vehicles.
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  3. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Crane Carrier Corporation of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
    Integrated Rear Loader
    The Crane Carrier Corporation IRL was one of the best rear load garbage trucks ever made in the history of garbage trucking.

    These units were built like tanks and available in sizes as small as 20 yards and as large as 32 yards.

    These trucks had some of the best packing power and highest pay load capacity out of any garbage truck.
    3.5 yard hopper, meant the trucks had one of the largest hoppers in the industry.

    Pay load and maneuverability, the trucks had it all.
    The cylindrical body really worked well and held a great pay load. CCC started in the late 1940s after World War II they originally built oil field service equipment out of surplus World War II equipment, but before long they started making there own trucks and truck chassis and then there own refuse bodies.

    CCC took all the knowledge that they learned from other manufacturers that had gone out of business and everything the garbage industry had learned up to the early 1940s and put it into the trucks they made. They were very successful with there Integrated series of bodies, they had the CCC Front Loader. Which was introduced in 1984.
    The CCC IFL was interesting because the cab was so low that the packing cylinder was actually above the cab which added to improved packing and higher load capacity. This truck while it doesn't look like much in this picture actually has a 47 yard body, I don't know what the legal pay load is on it, but it's capacity is huge.

    Many municipalities had the CCC IRL and the truck and design was favored through the mid 1980s and all the way to the turn of the century.

    However due to changing economies of the time the CCC Integrated series fell out of favor to cheaper models the CCC Integrated Rear Loader was one of the best trucks ever made, but because of economic conditions it wasn't the best selling and by the turn of the century CCC stopped manufacturing the IRL, ISL and IFL series.

    There are probably some CCC IRLs still out on the road. I think most of the others the side loader and front loader are pretty much done. I think production of the CCC series stopped in 1999 that was 20 years ago so sadly most of those trucks are pretty much at the end of there economic life span. There maybe a city out there that still has a CCC IRL still in service, and maybe a private garabge collector that has a CCC IRL still around too, but the IFL's pretty much done and I think most of the IRL's have been retired or are on spare/extra duty.

    However the CCC IRL could pack a punch and probably can out pack and out work some of the newer trucks coming off the assembly line today.
    Here's one working for the city of Decatur, GA in 2011 on a yard waste route. This truck appears to be a 32 yard truck and was packed out probably every bit of 32,000lbs pay load if not more. Pretty much endless load. The truck was packed so heavy that the ejector blade actually gets stuck. A testimate to how much packing power these units had/have.

    The city of Westlake, Ohio with 33,000 residents was a big buyer of the CCC Integrated Rear Loader with 33,000 residents the city needed a truck that packed a punch and in the 1990s there answer for all there refuse collection capacity problems came in the form of the CCC Integrated Rear Loader.
    x1Heavy and Ruthless Thank this.
  4. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    I remember those old can trucks the ones that sort of rotate the trash away inside of them. One of the trash people used to hand out gum to the kids. Back then it was a different time and you would not imagine the risks today.
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  5. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    The other cab over choices are Peterbilt which is the choice of the Los Angeles Department of Sanitation.
    and Autocar The Autocar ACX is Autocars "severe duty" unit. At auto car they have 3 realms of duty. Medium/Heavy and then because Heavy isn't heavy enough they have severe duty. Which can be seen in the picture below.
    Autocar trucks boast that they are made for the garbage industry the have the biggest cabs, the hardest chassis and 325 degree of view space for the driver and can accommodate a 3 man crew and there cabs and chassis are easier for body manufacturers to work with. AUTOCAR says while they are not the cheapest they are the best and have the most up time and will last the longest.

    Peterbilt also has a flat nose truck this truck is the choice of The City of Los Angeles Department of Refuse. The Peterbilt 520

    The city of Cleveland, Ohio and Pete and Pete Container Service of Cleveland, Ohio also buy the Peterbilt 520. However the city of Cleveland is a bigger buyer of CCC trucks and Chassis and has a mix of Heil and New Way Packer Bodies. The city of Cleveland has these mixed use automated and rear load trucks. They purchased 25 of these in 2014-2015.
    Ruthless and x1Heavy Thank this.
  6. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    So In our top 3 contenders for rear load garbage trucks we have:

    The Crane Carrier Corp IRL

    Then we have the EZ Pak Goliath

    Then Third maybe last, but certainly not least the Leach 2RII
    Ruthless and x1Heavy Thank this.
  7. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    And neck to neck running all out is the Peter-built 520 and the Autocar SD.

    As far as Albany, forget the true-way and stick with the Heil. Powder coating is a very nice touch. Bet someone has to pay just a little bit just to kep it up.

    The Leach and Goliah; I can tell you right now those two will be a touch difficult The Crane has a attraction, but I need a diagram on it start to understand it better.

    My choice would be the Pete 520, only because of the tires and wheel kit showing that it looks like you can be a mountain goat on the side of a landfill with a reasonable clarity.
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  8. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Look how appropriate I found this at the piston power show tonight:
    D8C7CA43-235E-415F-AA65-C8F82F4C98EF.jpeg A7E5A582-2277-4598-BFC7-680FE0EF6466.jpeg DD8B734D-E07A-4FD8-8B7D-A6DA2187AF08.jpeg
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
  9. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    I didnt know they stamped antique tags that big.

    In Maryland as well as in Arkansas Antique tags were and are a absolute workaround. Once you have that on, you can do whatever you liked to that vehicle.

    Those macks take me back. Sheesh. I best put down the screens before I marry them or something silly.

    BTW did you spot that Pete Sleeper two rows off the Mack's right mirror?
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  10. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
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