32 yarder for residential pick up
Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by jonknuckles71, Feb 7, 2019.
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From my understanding the compost buckets were like 2 or 3 gallon capacity, and had some type of snap lock lid, so it wouldn’t stink into your kitchen, but also the guy coming around would have to get out of the truck (seperate unit than the garbage/recycle man) pick up the little pail, unsnap the lid, dump it, place the pail back on the ground and get back in his truck.
“We’re recycling: we’re helping!”
If you want to compost, compost in your backyard, or find someone close by that will take your compostable waste.
On a garbage related note, I have a condo next town over from here at our house. Last week I went there to get the mail. Garbage man was backing into the condo complex as I was pulling in.
I didn’t get a picture: single axle International 4900 series with a leach body.
He did my building first, and the layout meant he was parked rather close to the mailboxes, which prevented me from pulling up and just reaching out the window to grab my stuff. I drove past his truck and pulled over into some visitor parking spot , got out and walked back to get the mail. I sorted through the mail quickly to pull out the items I actually needed, which accounts for about 10% of the mail I get. I walked around the back of his truck because I saw him rolling out the recycling bin. I figured I’d throw all the recyclable paper from my mailbox directly into it. I came around the rear of his truck, To see him dumping the recycling bin directly in the rear trash area. They don’t have the SideArm can tippers like they do at the house. They only have 4/5 trucks total and are a local company.
I asked why he was doing that, being that the recyclables were separated? He said that for years he has made clear about once a month to our condo association that recyclables need to be bagged to put into a separate area of the truck, as the area for recyclables is open air and loose paper or plastics would fly out when he got on the highway; which, after our condo complex, is the route to get to his next group of stops one town north.
Years of seperating things and scraping plastic containers clean to be recycled. For nothing. No one from the association has ever mentioned that recyclables need to be bagged.
So what in the hell are we even having a separate bin/collection for?
Because people feel good and think they are contributing.
What a bunch of malarkey.Mike2633 Thanks this. -
Right now most places are losing money on recycling, but we have to do it because it's the right thing to do. Even though single stream recycling has pretty much failed. The recycling industry always says people suck at recycling.
I've looked at the do's and dont's of recycling there's so much I before E except after C it's no-wonder why people can't get it right or don't want to get it right.
Why wouldn't the condo association say hey guys here's how the recycling program needs to work, or if that's to much work call a representative in from the trash company and at condo association meeting night let the trash people go over what the rules are. You have to have a major chart to tell you if you can recycle stuff or not. Then you're wasting water to wash the stuff out it's at the point now where there's more energy going into recycling then were getting out of it.Ruthless Thanks this. -
This is a great video from Portage County, Ohio Brimfield Township board of trustee.
Basically what he's saying is, the Portage County, Ohio solid waste district is upside down on the county wide recycling program and needs to increase the cost of recycling to the residents.
Now what the board of trustee's finds odd is, the county said "Oh we can go over to automated side loader trucks you know with the arm and save man hours and money." I guess with the old manual rear loaders it was taking the county solid waste district 24 hours to collect the town ships recyclables.
Now with the side loader trucks they were able to cut the men needed to do the job down and also cut the hours down by 10 hours yet they still need a rate increase to collect recyclables. What? So already were paying to have recyclables taken away same way we pay to have garbage taken away because there's no money for the recyclables.
Further more, Portage County gets new trucks those side loader automated trucks cost almost $300,000 a piece so in order to save money we need to spend probably close to $4.8 million dollars to buy I would guess Portage County probably has 16 trucks that's just a guess so $4.8million bucks that sounds right.
So a $4.8 million dollar expenditure to save time and money in the long run. So they are working less people and getting the collection routes done faster, but that's still not good enough they have to raise rates.
Then the recycling plant they got rid of a bunch of machines and workers, and it's basically now a garbage truck depot and an administrative building. Still with all that loss not good enough they have to raise rates.
So the Brimfield Township board of trustee's is sitting there going huh? All these changes and it's still not good enough and you still want to hike recycling rates?
Then last but not least oh yeah the price of diesel fuel is higher then it was and that's adding to the cost of it all.
And then they went over how certain materials there is zero market for and you can just throw those away.
I don't know what the point even is. Stop recycling (gasp I'll probably get in trouble for saying that lol) let the market bottom out let the glut of scrap cardboard and stuff sell off and then when there's a market for it do it again.
But recycling doesn't work if there's no buyer for the material.
The problem with recycling was it's been marketed as oh you just put the recyclables in the cute 18 gallon bin which I don't even know who has those we were always told blue bag is good enough. And so you put the recyclables in the cute 18 gallon bin.
See here's one and people are using it for storage of stuff. Actually the 18 gallon recycling bin is a good bin for storage I want one just to store stuff in.
Anyhow you know you put you're recyclables in the cute bin.
And the recycling/garbage man takes the recyclables away and whallah!
Out comes a new computer! Or a Corvette or a brand new Leach Garbage truck or something totally awesome.
But right now that's not what's happening instead were getting scene's like this:
Ruthless Thanks this. -
Don't you have to be a member of the mob to be able to do this
Mike2633 Thanks this. -
There is no city trash pick up where I live.
It's every man for himself.
You can buy dump tickets from the court house
and take your trash to the dump yourself.
Or your can pay joe six pack,with a pick up truck
and one of those landscaping trailers with the
6 ft iron fence on all 4 sides to come to your
House and get it for 25 bucks a month.
He comes once a week.
Your allowed 7 bags per week.
Everything must be in a bag.
25 bucks a month.
He just grabs them and throws them over
the top of the trailer.
Worth every penny.Mike2633 Thanks this. -
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