32 yarder for residential pick up

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by jonknuckles71, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Here is the old Ford leaf truck in action. In my opinion this is the best way to pick up leaves, if were going to pick up piles of leaves. This is not my video or You Tube channel, but this is from someone else in my town who shot this video.
    Itsbrokeagain and Ruthless Thank this.
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  3. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side

    I have a list of goofy cities that do goofy leaf pick up.

    First one is Stamford, Connecticut

    Wouldn't it be cheaper to just I don't know buy a vac truck or 2? Then have this goofy system where you're taking the garbage transfer station front loader off of the transfer station well they probably have a couple front end loaders, but still you get the point and using it to load leaves? Look at this dump truck front loader system look all the gear they have they don't have the right equipment in my opinion if I was the city services director this would not be the way we do leaf pick up.

    Hell the city of Rocky River, Ohio runs like 4-5 leaf vac trucks in the fall. They have like one vac truck, (2) single axle garbage trucks with leaf vacs attached to them and then the big 31 yard Leach 2RII three axle garabge truck.



    The city of Milwaukee, Wisconisn uses this trackless system, this system is awful in my opinion look how much it leaves behind. If I was the city services director we wouldn't have that system, because see the leaf vac truck kills two birds with one stone in gets the leaves and cleans the streets and curbs at the same time. This stupid trackless system leaves everything behind and now they have to run a street sweeper down the street to get the rest.

    The trackless system in there sales video is fast, but it's not quality.

    Here's the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin department of public works:
    Milwaukee uses the trackless rear load garbage truck system.

    I think this is Canada somewhere. The reason I say that is the snow plow dump trucks have blue lights because in Canada snow plows are considered police vehicles during times of snow, so they have blue police strobe lights on them. At least this city brought the street sweeper out.

    You know for what these cities charge in taxes I really do not under stand cities that do not have the right tools to do jobs. The city of North Olmsted, Ohio was like that they never had the right tools to pick up leaves and I never understood why.

    Like here's a good story from Sacramento, CA.

    Now the problem with all these leaf systems is and it happened to us this year is the minute fall came it got cold and wet and it took crews twice as long as normal to get the leaves picked up.

    Now me personally, I don't pile leaves on the curb, I think this is the best way to pick up leaves.
    Veterans Day Yardwaste Collection
    I put all my leaves in bags and let the garbage truck pick them up.
    My neighbors all put leaves on the curb and that's all well and good, except the city gets bogged down collecting copious amounts of leaves and the wind blows all the leaves around and they all get in my yard and clog the storm sewers, so I like to put leaves and green waste in the garbage truck instead and that's not my fault because are yard waste collection should go a lot longer then it does and I have half a mind to go to the next city council meeting and make a complaint about that.

    West Hartford, Connecticut I guess ran out of money and can't tax anyone any more the tax payers are tapped out so there collecting leaves with probably a rear load garbage truck. Personally this is how my city should do it, as my dad says if you can afford the property taxes you can afford some brown bags and I'll ad or a trash can.
    West Hartford Changes Leaf Pickup Policy

    Personally what I would like to see is them semi automate yard waste pick up. Using a Curotto Can.

    What they could do is give me a 95 gallon garbage cart for yard waste, but also allow me to put out as many bags as I want, right now we have no limit I found that out when I putt 77 bags on the curb last year, but the 95 gallon garbage cart most of the year would be enough except for in the spring and fall, but it would be easier on the guy but he could also jump out and grab the brown bags if he needs to. I don't know why they don't go over to a system like that.

    Curotto Can in action.
    Waste Management: Mack LE/ McNeilus Atlantic Series FL w/ Curotto Can
    Ruthless Thanks this.
  4. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    I will say this the city of San Dieago, CA has some fast trash collectors.
    Ruthless Thanks this.
  5. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    So have any of you guys seen the City of Los Angeles 2019 Marathon clean up.

    Keep in mind this is the same town that banned plastic straws.
  6. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    So I read today in the paper. My city can no long afford the great money saving private garbage hauler we have. Yep a decade ago they shut down the city run operation and went over to private run operation. Well now they can't even afford the private run operation. Probably should have just stayed a city run operation because it seems to not matter either way seems to be a problem for the city at the end of the day.

    What happened was they got some real short term initial savings from the private waste hauler, but short term gain long term pain. Now that it's a decade later the prices have steadily increased and there locked into a contract that they can't really get out of until it expires and while you can say oh well you know they can just rebid, the trouble with that, is now there dealing with a new group of people that they don't know and don't have any control over. What's stupid is the city doesn't want to really rebid they want to keep the people they have because when rebids happen and they pick a new vendor changes and stuff happen and it upsets things and they have had this company now for 10 years and they are okay service wise for just regular garbage, but here's the thing, if the city doesn't want to be in the garbage business anymore then get out of it. I can hire a private company on my own I don't need them, infact if they did that I would start my own garbage truck company $10.00 a week for year round garbage and yard waste pick up!
  7. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    City of Rock River, Ohio doing Saturday morning trash collection. They were fast today there a day behind because of the holiday they had most of the garbage picked up by 8:30am.

    Our private hauler in my city is slow turtle compared to the city run operation next door. But that’s the difference between a town that cares and one that doesn’t.
    D53817BE-B5DB-4086-9ABD-4E225010A08A.jpeg 6392356C-C3AC-4BA4-B6CB-0B8B80160FFA.jpeg
    You can see the little cushman satellite truck Rocky River has about 8-10 of those and they run around and collect the garbage and they back up to and dump the garbage into the back of the big truck.
    These guys are very fast it doesn’t take them all but a couple hours to do 700-1000 houses.

    That truck was collecting yard waste. The city specks some of there trucks with a third drop axle.
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