6 month report card w/ pay info

Discussion in 'Gless Bros Foodliner' started by im6under, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    Ok, its actually been 7 months, now that I am getting around to writing this up but hey, I was busy thru Christmas ect...

    $27,422.55 for 6 months or $54845.10 annual compensation.

    I'm happy !!! I've been out over night only 3-4 times, averaged every other weekend off, slept in my own bed basically nightly, and really NOT been stressed or felt compelled to push for more miles to try and make a living. Actually for the last three months I been taking it easy and have been on a dedicated short run at my request for the last month. pays a little less but still good money and I'm off after 8 hours.

    This is almost over, this week or next, and it will be back to the normal rotation.

    Early on I wrote about a 70k potential here.... OH YEAH... this still holds water a plenty as we have multiple guys doing it !!! I refer to this group as "animals" LOL... they are the real road warriors of our little waterloo clan... all I ever see is the car in the parking lot and an occaisional wave as they zip thru the parking lot, hair on fire... each to his own... I got a couple of kids and I like being bored at school plays and chorus practice, but that's just me...

    Business continues to be very good, no drop or slump here of any kind that I can notice. Had one bad week that gave me the willies, thinking here it comes... but no, it was just an off week and we were backed up like crazy the following...

    I've also had the big holidays off minus 4th of July that I begged to work over. Thanksgiving I had four days off and three on Christmas, New Year's off plus the weekend. Gless tries very hard to pull all the loads it can prior to the holiday's so everyone is home with family where they belong!!!

    Nobody is out to get me !!! LOL !!!

    I shouldn't have to say that and it probably isn't true anywhere... but in our industry it sure seems that dispatch has painted a bulls-eye on your back at times. I haven't had that issue here. In fact this is the first place I've worked at that there hasn't been the constant grumbling from the drivers as a whole that they are getting screwed royally...

    Pay is good, no not fantastic... well it was fantastic... but groceries keep going up at a stupid rate and I hope ya' know what I mean... pay was fantastic and now its good... hopefully we'll get tossed a bone in the next coming months.

    Every driver I have talked to has the same story, You are going to get screwed over about once a month but dispatch or your terminal manager will make it up to you. This is the first place I've worked where you can actually count on this as a rule. =AND= It's negotiable to a large extent between you and your boss. Meaning everybody has a different idea of what makes them feel better about a bad situation and they will work with you to make you feel you are not the slab of meat. Some guys want an extra run, long or short, some guys want the weekend off to rest up a bit, some guys ask for an early run and off early or come in late due to some personal business. what makes you feel good???

    These guys want you feeling good and will try to adjust things around to accomodate your needs. No, they aren't going to tip over the barrel and let you cherry pick...lol but if there is some little thing they can do to make life better for you... they will. This place is as close to a family as you can get and stay in business. This suits me and most just fine.

    I wrecked my truck:biggrin_25510:

    I didn't get fired... :biggrin_25519:

    I got talked to... :biggrin_25516:

    I apologized... :biggrin_2553:

    They accepted the apology and life goes on...

    well... with the understanding that ain't gonna happen again...

    I was charged with a preventable, and for the most part it was... nothing I can say here... I let my guard down, she was speeding and no insurance (ka'blamo). cracked the urethane bumper and fiberglass just under the headlight.

    Damage was minimal, no injuries, long story... and it scared the heck out of me. I really do subscribe to the theory that no matter what, "I" have to get back home safe and able to earn a living, then the truck, then the load, then the customer has to be happy also... this wasn't that bad but it "could" have been.

    I don't like could have been's... I like being bored. in fact, I love being bored... nothing better than coming home and saying, nothing happened it was so boring all day long... :biggrin_255:

    Anyways I've had a heck of a first 6 months, still here, still loving it...

    If you have any questions about our company: post them here, pm me, or call corporate

    We don't advertize job openings (knuckle-heads) lol but anyways we always have room for a good hand... lots of guys retiring and we are constantly expanding.

    I don't know who we are stealing the extra business from but it just keeps coming and I'd like to think its because we as drivers really do make the difference... I know all the waterloo, ottumwa, and blue grass guys go the extra mile for our customers. maybe that's why the company treats us so good???

    good new year to all...

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2009
    panhandlepat Thanks this.
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  3. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006
    I must have missed where you went company.

    Didn't you run under your own authority? Or do I have the wrong guy in mind.
  4. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    hey brick,

    nahhh you got me confused with another guy... though I do hang at the o/o forum alot.

    I want to get my own rig and lease on with these guys...

    $1.25 loaded $1.00 mt + fsc + very very close on paid to driven miles...

    but alas... not quite yet...

    had 8k saved for a decent down then... life... blewy !!!! back to square one... and maybe in the spring... or not?
    Brickman Thanks this.
  5. MO family man

    MO family man Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2007
    Nunya, MO
    Stop crashing the trucks!
  6. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    It was more of a tune up...

    stupid thing always pulled left... now it drives straight as an arrow...

    now, in fact, it doesn't even change lanes when I'm in the back making a baloney sandwich or whatever...:biggrin_2552:
    Lilbit Thanks this.
  7. MO family man

    MO family man Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2007
    Nunya, MO
    I am not organized enough to figure out when six months of employment is up. I will therefore pass on info from from a paystub dated for 1/30. I am not sure if this includes the last week of Dec or if it starts from the first. I know it doesn't include the work I just got done this last week of the month.

    Everyone confused?

    Great. I digress.

    For Jan (With above exceptions noted) I am showing having earned

    6,195.43 which works to around 72k on the year. I think that will likely trend higher as that during the winter I think I was held back by my own ineptitude. I hope to be a bit more together by next year.

    5,435.93 being milage ond hourly the rest being various loading unloading and safty suit pay.

    I worked(Again my memory can be fuzzy here) two weekend days this month and usually average two nights at home during the work week. Bear in mind I live about 70 miles from the yard and can't take a hazmat load(Which is kinda what we do most of the time) home. I also won't bring a truck home during the winter since I am not willing to spent my money plugging someone elses truck in. During warm months I was able to be home more as this wasn't an issue.

    Moving on...this past week I ran 3121 miles averaging with extra pay .559 a mile. Weekly earnings were 1,747.60 plus one breakfast which was provided at the safety meeting.

    I would love to say I will try to be more organized like sixfootunder to provide a better view but let's be honest...that won't happen. Really it won't.
    RookieJ1987 Thanks this.
  8. chucky

    chucky Light Load Member

    Jan 24, 2008
    Sounds like good work if you can get it.
  9. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
  10. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    I got some explaining to do...

    I didn't make what I thought I'd make in a year here.

    Explain-ing-a-zation: I skrewed the poochie to the bathroom wall a couple of times thru-out the year... end result, $53,491.95

    #1 reason: I really did get a bit lazy and start enjoing everynight at home and every weekend off, I've been out over night 10 times that I can remember in the year I've worked here. that does kinda curtail the bigger check. Plus taking a day or two personal time here and there... it adds up.

    #2 reason: last three months there has been a strange under-current to the runnings... going great guns... then *blewie* 5 runs for a dozen drivers... then back to everybody busy... you'd think our customers would be more sympathetic to our needs and keep ordering product to keep us busy and rolling... but nooo... they are quite self-centered and continue to operate on a for profit basis.. :biggrin_2554:

    seriously: for the effort and the current state of the economy I have done very, very, well... here at Questliner.

    I've averaged 52.3 cents per mile loaded and empty.

    got insurance and the 401k going nicely...

    bob, my terminal manager, has been a great guy... he's the boss but he's flexible on my personal needs. He tells me what to do but does it in a nice way with a good attitude, and he doesn't sugar-coat the vaseline loads. "hey buddy, I'm kinda in a pinch and need a favor here... can you help me out ??? vs. I got another crap load your going to take, like it or not.

    same out come I suppose... lol but yeah, how its presented really does make a difference between being another number and being a member of a team.

    Tim, the regional manager of... something something... a/c office and suit guy...

    He's been good also... he's the guy that fires people... but you can tell he doesn't enjoy doing it... and he isn't out to get you...

    Tim seems more like coach than manager. Which is good, because if you really want to be in it for the long haul you need to have a team and you won't get that if people become overly compartmentalized to the point they no longer communicate with one another as people.

    So far, Questliner's philosophy seems to be: We have to make a profit or we all go home but we can make that profit togather as a family of people helping each other and our customers.

    Rick: MIA... lol dude are still alive??????
  11. rich_t

    rich_t Road Train Member

    May 28, 2009
    United States
    Sounds like things are working out nicely for you. I hope they stay that way.
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