95 Peterbilt 379 fuel leveling problem

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by Asanchez, Dec 13, 2024.

  1. Asanchez

    Asanchez Bobtail Member

    May 17, 2020
    Have a 1995 peterbilt 379 with a 3406e. Put all new fuel lines. The fuel leveling valve started leaking. Replaced with a new one. Truck started missing out and found that all the fuel went to the driver side so replaced the leveling valve again and started doing the same exact thing. All the diesel keeps going to driver side
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  3. PSM379

    PSM379 Heavy Load Member

    Apr 19, 2019
    To be completely honest, first truck I ran was a 1989 Peterbilt 379, it was great back when they still put the bottom crossovers, and it was bottom draw as well. My 1997 had the return valve up top of the transmission. Always had issues with leveling off, swapped the vents, swapped the valve etc. finally said screw this and added a bottom cross over like the 1989 and never had an issue again. You can try cleaning your vents, see if that helps. If not maybe go the route of a bottom cross over.
    Asanchez Thanks this.
  4. Asanchez

    Asanchez Bobtail Member

    May 17, 2020
    Didn’t even think of the vents glad you brought that up. I know my dad had many 88 to 93 Pete’s with the bottom crossover with no problems. Thank you for the response
    PSM379 and blairandgretchen Thank this.
  5. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
    Like mention already, clean the vents/breathers. Been there done that.
    Asanchez Thanks this.
  6. Asanchez

    Asanchez Bobtail Member

    May 17, 2020
    Will do thank you
    Diesel Dave Thanks this.
  7. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
    I had a 1994 379…… it did the same thing.
    Asanchez Thanks this.
  8. wore out

    wore out Numbered Classic

    Jun 5, 2013
    Also you need to make sure that all lines to the cross overs whether suction or return are the exact same size, length as well as pitch or angle. Be surprised what a difference 2 inches in suction hose length will do for draw. Making sure you’re not sucking a little air there is paramount too. I have just a slight abnormality in the hose usually right at the fitting cause trouble too. A partial blockage on suction or return will ruin your day
    cke and Asanchez Thank this.
  9. ORSE

    ORSE Bobtail Member

    Dec 9, 2024
    Ballarat Australia
    My 1998 did the same,bottom draw, top return, cleaned vents, checked everything, replaced the splitter valve ( theres nothing really in them that can stuff up, a spring and a butterfly plate), ended up putting a tap on the left return line at the top of the tank, half turn of it and it balanced out better, ended up putting a crossover off the bottom taps, pull up at the pumps and the left tank still takes 30 litres more than the right tank, same size tanks, crossover definately helps
    Asanchez Thanks this.
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