A. Duie Pyle

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by astephenmurphy, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. astephenmurphy

    astephenmurphy Bobtail Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    Palm Bay, FL
    I apologize in advance if this has already been covered. I have been doing a lot of research and I am about at the end of my rope and tired of searching. Does anyone know any information about A. Duie Pyle? I applied for a dedicated position out of Pottsville, PA. I was told their dedicated lane there is drop and hook delivering loads to grocery stores. I was also told the position was a $70,000 / year job. Through the forums, I only see that people say the pay is really good and the benefits are good. Does anyone have any info on what kind of benefits, roughly what they are costing weekly and who the provider. If anyone can give me a little help here, I would greatly appreciate it.
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  3. galaxy88

    galaxy88 Bobtail Member

    Aug 25, 2013
    perhaps you should ask the company what the details are during the interview
    icsheeple Thanks this.
  4. icsheeple

    icsheeple Trailing the Herd

    Nov 1, 2013
    Kansas City, KS
    Or just call and ask before the interview.
  5. Hotplate

    Hotplate Medium Load Member

    Sep 20, 2015
    Can't really give you specifics, but I can say that Pyle has always had an excellent reputation in the way they pay and treat their drivers. Used to be, they wanted 5 years with a whistle-clean MVR to hire-on but they've relaxed those requirements over the years. Talked to many of their drivers, not one really had anything bad to say. I think you've hitched your wagons on to a good outfit there, driver.
    Flip181 Thanks this.
  6. Boinger

    Boinger Bobtail Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    The health insurance uses BC/BS network. They are self insured but benefits are good. About $50 a week for family coverage. Bad part is they won't cover spouse is their job offers health insurance. The account you mention is for Wegmans.
  7. Shaggy

    Shaggy Road Train Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    On the outside looking in. Have decent equipement. Fair pay.

    My area, just a crap location to have a terminal or id work for them years ago.

    Go for it op
    crazeydude Thanks this.
  8. windsmith

    windsmith Road Train Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Pottsville D/H grocery stores is probably a Wegmans contract. Not sure if that's the case, and if so what loads they actually get. The ones I've run that my company gets are fairly short miles into Jersey and back - 200-300 miles per load. Either 2am or 4am hook time, deliver by 7am. On the plus side, they're smooth at both ends, and most of their trailers have air driven landing gear. So no need to crank them up and down. :)
    Flip181 Thanks this.
  9. Bob Dobalina

    Bob Dobalina Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2015
    The "Buckeye"
    There is another forum for LTL carriers which has a sub-forum for Pyle here: http://www.truckingboards.com/bb/forums/a-duie-pyle.36/
    They will be able to give you more specifics about the gig and the company. The company I work for (Dayton Freight) partners with Pyle for our northeast freight. They have a good reputation. Good luck.
    Flip181 Thanks this.
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