A Newbie's Observations on the Road

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by keelady, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. pro1driver

    pro1driver Heavy Load Member

    Mar 30, 2006
    North East, USA
    you might be right, as she does have a co-driver.............but..........

    haven't we all seen something like this before..........?? i know i have, including shaving, reading a map, searching for a lighter or match for that all important cigarette, and even watching tv, and so on and so forth.......
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  3. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Good. I should hope people would be at least smart enough to not try to type on a laptop, of all things, while driving.
  4. panhandlepat

    panhandlepat Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    I KNOW she is NOT doing both :mrgreen: i read it in another thread (or maybe a blog next door)
    about the new network card she just bought.
    aren't you driving team with hubby KEE?
  5. keelady

    keelady Light Load Member

    I guess I need to elaborate on typing while going down the road. I DO NOT use the laptop while driving, just while the co-driver is driving. I have enough to do while driving -- don't even check the Qualcom until I stop. And for those who never had Circus Peanuts, they are a kind of orange colored marshmallowy peanut shaped candy. 8-10 do the trick -- although I've been known to eat them til I'm sick, but I figure 8-10 isn't too much worse than a candy bar and it takes longer to eat (I eat them slowly) and help relieve the boredom that can set in to help me 'alert' back up. A few handfuls of Fritos works well when I'm in the mood for salt and at other times, a crunchy granola bar works well. The Circus Peanuts were a surprise though.
  6. pro1driver

    pro1driver Heavy Load Member

    Mar 30, 2006
    North East, USA
    yep i did a search on google, i found out what circus peanuts were. gotta be loaded with tons of sugar.............not very good for anyone's diet.....
  7. Light Traveler

    Light Traveler Light Load Member

    Feb 5, 2007
    Somewhere out there...
    Keelady, I agree with you on every item, except #7. When I drive, I tell myself that no one else on the road can drive. I absolutely trust no other driver. Because, the very moment I trust that four-wheeler to remained stopped at the sign; guess what? He'll run it. And there I go trying to get 80K lbs. of machinery to stop on a dime. I think not! Therefore, I must drive for them and myself. Great post though!
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