I keep reading people asking the question "Why do they fall for it?" on the lease option. Here's the deal. Take my hubs for example. They drag him out there on a bus... no money to get home, put him through the classes, he basically starves the entire time until we can mail him a care pack... they push him through, get him done... and then.. at the end of it, while he is deciding weather to sign a lease or not, they drop the bomb on him. After a crapton comes out for childsupport, this bullhocky health insurance they weedled him into, and the fees and everything that THEY took out... he had no money to come home on and he was told, flat out :
He averages, running solor, about 2k a week in miles. he has to run 2k a week to pay his child support AND the truck payment. He gets to touch... maybe... $40 a week. Which leaves us scraping charities here at home to get rent and utilities paid.
CRE tends to run alot like those temp job agencies. "We'll find you a job... but you're going to pay us to find you that job."
14 cents a mile to pay their workers, and they get money from bidding on your runs. on top of that, you pay the lease, the insurance, and the fuel... IF you manage to get at least 2k miles... you MIGHT make some money, going in with crappy credit. GOOD CREDIT you may make a bit more money.
So here's the deal. If you have to go through their schooling, if you HAVE to sign a lease... either don't sign the lease with them, OR... have GREAT CREDIT so you get a lower payment, lower insurance and flat out.. DON'T BORROW FROM THEM TO PAY FOR SCHOOL. Pay for schooling straight up, pay 1k less and use that money to live on while you are in school.
If you have kids at home, before considering trucking at all, make sure your wife has a group of friends and family for some major backup. Other than that... if you don't fudge up things too bad... you might make miles... but they prioritize those miles to the teams and the students.
You really want to know how they make their money? They hook people that are despirate to make money in the first place. Bad credit or no credit, people that are looking to get the hell out of the crap-hole they have their family in, then they walk all over them.
2nd best in the industry? Don't make me laugh too hard. (My hubs was convinced that they run second in the industry... I hear it enough... ya'll calling them bottom feeders... I say it's a double edged sword...)
A question about C.R England
Discussion in 'CR England' started by Ike, Mar 12, 2010.
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Last edited: Apr 9, 2010
Ike Thanks this. -
So if Im understanding this correctly, you have be be a L/O to make it and still going to be tough for at least a year. if you go there as a company driver, even with experience, your chances of making a decent wage is slim to none.
Thanks to all for the info and replies. -
I'll tell you a couple things to keep in mind about what you read on the Internet, or this forum in general.
Most people will gripe about stuff way before you ever hear anything good.
They're disgruntled and feel they're not getting what they deserve or just want to push some crap around to justify their own short-commings.
In regards to CRE, they are a starter school. They will help you get there and train you. Sure there are better companies and better training but you may need to take a student loan first or go through your own local truck school.
Many people show up at CRE with nothing but food stamps, alot of debt, no previous experience, and probably some false expectations.
That makes it a struggle at best.
If you go to CRE and you have trouble or problems, get your 6 months or year in and go someplace else.
Anyhow, hope for the best and expect the worst.
Ronvenne Thanks this. -
I think probably is an understatement, Ron... "...and probably some false expectations." ... definate understatement.
I can give you the gist of what he was told over the phone when he inquired with the company.
and I quote:
"We will pay for you to take a bus to our location, your stay is free* and when the training is over, if you pass our exams, you are guaranteed a job with the company*. We will finance your student loan to go through our classes, but if you pay for them up front, you'll save yourself around $1000. We'll take it right out of your paycheck so there's no worry about having to mail us a monthly payment."
and I will also quote what they told the cse judge:
"If you let him off probation so he can finish our program, he is guaranteed a job in the company upon graduation from the course."
<squeeling brakes>
what they didn't say was this.
1. bring your own food and plenty more than $200 to pay for it when you run out.
2. that guaranteed job is "sign a lease or go home empty handed."
3. by the way, the fuel cap program doesn't work in (apparently) most states.
They also pushed insurance on him real bad... and this is looking from the OUTER RING... not the drivers seat. I told him to cancel the policy. HQ told him "We'll fax you the paperwork and you can fax it back." Apparently faxes cost quite a bit at truck stops. o.o go figure. So... insurance didn't get canceled. The insurance is over 500/month. $130/WEEK to insurance... hell, even his government job didn't cost that much for insurance.... even my measly insurance at P.H. didn't cost that much... and it was better insurance than what they are selling. (health insurance that is.)
You are correct though... MOST people will tell you their grumps before telling you anything that might be good about ANY company. Justify our short comings though? ... When you are handed crap for pay, you're life's crap in the end. There's no further justification there than "hey... they're fudging with your paycheck man!"
I've seen them take FULL amounts out for fuel when they were only supposed to take $1.25/unit.I'm sorry... this just doesn't cut it when there's kids to feed at home and rent to pay.
People go there on food stamps... and they stay on them so they can claw their way through the month. People go there with nothing... maybe... and maybe things would be better for some of us if our situations didn't take even more money away... but still, to dog people for putting it out there? I've got plenty of complaints as a wife going through this bs, and I'm not the one dealing with their bs over the quall or phone.
So... to whoever started this thread (I'm terrible at names and can't go back to the top now)...
Schnieder honestly pays better. They hire students, train themselves... and from what I hear from the truckers I know personally... they treat you a hell of a lot better too. I'd personally try them before trying CRE -
Im sorry if I made this sound like I was considering employment with CRE. No, no, no. I was simply trying to find out if there were any satisfied (for lack of a better term) drivers with CRE, because it seems you do not hear anything positive about them, yet they remain in business, and if their drivers were coming and going and failing this much, you would think that they're customers would be suffering. So, I have to believe they do have a core of good senior drivers there.
Could be wrong, I have before. you know. -
My roommate's hubs seems content... but then... he's got a good DM and he's not getting reamed for child support either.
and he's also a trainer... right out of training, into the trainer seat... -
I keep reading about how bad Cr. England is. But the recruiter I talked to wants me to go to Indiana this month for a refresher course. I graduated from a eight week course at a technical school back in July of 2009, I have my hazmat, tanker, and doubles/triples endorsements. I talked with Schneider, but back in July they weren't hiring recent graduates and they told me to call back in March or April. When I called back they changed the rules to where I would have had to graduated within three months from trucking school. So that option got shut down. And then Swift told me to get back to them in a couple of months. It seems as if my options are slimming down and I don't want to go to long with out work, it's been a year and a half so far. And it's been almost a year since I graduated from trucking school. So what other choice do I have? I need to get the experience and I am single with no children, and i have managed to live on unemployment this whole time by reducing my costs. So any advice would be appreciated. I am supposed to start the refresher course on May 17. Thank you.
Did that recruiter tell you how much that refresher course was gonna cost? or how long it was?
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