A question about C.R England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Ike, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. desylverwyrm

    desylverwyrm Bobtail Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Kansas City, MO

    IF you do it... tell them that under no uncertain circumstances you DEMAND to go to Salt Lake... Indianna's facility is ... from my understanding... a hole in the wall with nothing nearby for food and they bus you from a little roach motel to get you there, they don't do ANYTHING on the weekends at that location. This is just what my hubs told me when he was told that's where he HAD to go for his upgrade. o_O
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  3. chris-deanna

    chris-deanna Bobtail Member

    Apr 9, 2010
    I trained 40-50 drivers for CR England. I completed 3 leases and walked away 1 year into my 4th lease because that truck was in the shop every other week, 24 times to be exact. Jim McInnes, who runs the lease department refused to do anything about the problem(s). The first 3 leases were great. I was in the top 5% of earners with the company which put me at the top of the list for mentor requests. I expected England to go to bat for me with the lemon truck, but they didn't. I'm a heavy haul driver now which many consider to be the top of the industry. My wife, who's an accountant, is tired of crunching numbers and since our son graduates this year, she wants to team with me and run OTR. I'm telling you all of this as a qualifier to show that I know the industry and have done extensive research on the current job market. My advise to you is to join a company like Conway Truckload or even US Express, and run as a team co-driver for a year. Conway will start you out at .44 a mile split. On a 5k week, that's $1,100 a week. Not bad for a first year driver. After you get a year under your belt, many other opportunities will open up for you.
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