Discussion in 'Holland Reddaway New Penn' started by Sean_Memphis, Feb 12, 2015.
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I heard ABF is a solid company, I'm interested in looking into them myself, I've been using this forum to research all the prime jobs... LtL is my choice of trucking, it's more $ by clock & more cpm by" click".... beverage & food seems to be more hectic driving although most local driving is a little more hairy canary, but you get bored sitting in the sattle for hrs and you see your family every day & live a fuller life
😎🏁🏁🏁Shaggy and Sean_Memphis Thank this. -
already gone and 12 ga Thank this.
Well, I'm back. I have an interview w/ABF next week (dock). Does anyone know what options ABF has to move into the driver seat? What is the starting pay for the dock? Thanks!
I hate it when dudes leave us hanging.
Well??....Sean_Memphis and Shaggy Thank this. -
No ABF update. Curentlly have app. pending with FedEx.
Did you get on with Fedex. They're one of the places I'm looking at. between them, UPS and Pitt Ohio
Yes, as a dock worker at Express. At my 90-day mark...I will be able to bid on driver jobs and if I get it (ni one with more senority wants it)...they will train.
ABF said I need a CDL to be hired as a dock worker.
Can you not get hired on at Fed Ex Express as a truck driver? you have to go through the dock first?
Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds
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