Tell that dude he owes me $50 for the TV or I will send him to Juarez, Mexico for a CH Robinson load. We don't do Mexico, but I will send him somewhere and sit him until I get paid!
Abilene Experience
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by BigBrin, Nov 2, 2013.
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Slideways, why don't you take up this thread? You could be a resource to guys and gals new to the industry by blogging how its going, etc. It's also a great resource for you as your questions about shippers, places, and tips will be answered by all here. You will also make some great friends. I would still participate in it, but this is driver's forum.. I have crossed over to the Dark Side. It will mske you famous too!
i will always still be here and chime in, its just that the threads important. Someone needs to keep it alive....not talk about how awesome their rolling chair is. -
I was in the office the other day and they hired some gigantic goofball. Chromed out his office chair and wheels around making truck sounds. At least I know this company hires others that rode the short bus besides myself.
Bamm1578, JohnBoy, gntorres61 and 1 other person Thank this. -
Bamm1578 Thanks this.
I'd jump on that Connex, too, if I was there. -
HEy Guys/gals just reapplied to Ableine again to see if there has been any changes for hiring me out of the Vermont area Johnboy I have kept up with on here and you make this company good to work for unless you have any other info then you can PM me if there us any thing that has change since 2 yrs ago to now for me coming can anyone let me know but i do like what i ahev read so far and the equipiment seems to be top notch ( i really really miss a nice looking well kept truck!!!!)
I make it a point to let everyone understand what goes on in MY day. I can only tell you about me. There's enough of us on here for you to get a good picture about how things work here. Me personally will tell you the good and the bad. I don't judge my job here on one day, I look at it weekly, then monthly. I did run my mileage numbers since the first of the year, when I run solo I've averaged 3300 per week, which is about half the time, when I train it's right at 6150 per week. The rest of my work environment is typical trucking BS.
But you didn't answer my guestions,,,,,, lol.......I do hear you on the " what you do". I do the same at my current job,
Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds
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