Abilene Experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by BigBrin, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. BigBrin

    BigBrin Medium Load Member

    Nov 1, 2013
    Mechanicsville, VA
    Call and talk to Sally. The only real changes that have happened are to training. They will hire to train now. We still have an abundance of opportunity. Without knowing what held up your/their decision 2 yrs ago on you hiring on, Id be guessing at what your looking for.
    We did just buyout a company in Arkansas. We will have terminal there. Yard, shop, etc..
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  3. RebelChick

    RebelChick Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    Coastal VA
    Stop acting like you're actually doing some work!!!!!!!! Hehehe
  4. BigBrin

    BigBrin Medium Load Member

    Nov 1, 2013
    Mechanicsville, VA
    Oh I can do some work alright.... I will just play around in your notes section. I will add "Dedicated Kinzers driver". Wow, i just realized how bad that would stink. Go through DC twice a day, every day.I couldn't be that mean.
  5. BigBrin

    BigBrin Medium Load Member

    Nov 1, 2013
    Mechanicsville, VA
    I realized yesterday that I traded one frustration for another....from stupid DC traffic to a computer that locks me into an order I cant fix!!! I am sorry Jejwan!! If your FM isn't available when your empty, call me and I will get your info to AKJ to get you going. Thank you for helping me out of a spot yesterday.
    I had a sit down meeting with the bosses yesterday. When I first came in we agreed to let me do the job for a week or so, then talk about salary. It was a gamble on my part. It paid off to my benefit big time. It gave me a chance to show that I had done it before...added the fact I had run for Abilene and trained then came into the office. I honestly think that it opened their eyes that the FM position should be a promotion out of our driver fleet. The knowledge we have out there is invaluable and it transfers to the fleet mgr position in several aspects...customers, routing, trip planning, hos, common sense and especially sense of urgency. Those of you that know me know that I would rather make a decision, right or wrong, than to freeze up and not make the decision. Id rather ask for forgiveness than ask for permission. I can also drive anytime I want to. AKJ and RH made it clear though that I am not to burn myself out. Im thinking I am going to run Sunday shuttles to Wytheville. Who knows, maybe even run a Brooklyn or two! NOT!
  6. UTurn1

    UTurn1 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Baltimore, MD
    Yes you can. :p
  7. BigBrin

    BigBrin Medium Load Member

    Nov 1, 2013
    Mechanicsville, VA
    Is it too hot to type?
  8. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    Hey BigBrin missing your insight from the inside. Look forward to hearing more about the inner workings. Just curious why the don't preplan better?
  9. w4cdw

    w4cdw Light Load Member

    Dec 4, 2012
    Chattanooga, TN
    Anybody been waiting hours or days to get a load assignment?
  10. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    I did, only to find out my DM (Tim) is out the last 2 days with a case of the sheets. I was playing hell trying to get an answer to my questions. Finally was informed about the mass confusion in the office because a few people were out.
  11. wjejwan23

    wjejwan23 Light Load Member

    Dec 27, 2009
    Richmond, VA
    yep had that problem last week waited a few hrs for a load, but my fm was out as well BB recieved my second set of msg before I for out once he told me 5mins later a load comes thru
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