New 2023 truck. 5 ABS issues in 3 months and GOT a CTE!! Only had one in the first 4 years!!! What is going on with these new trucks. Can the sensitivity be changed? One CTE was for going 56 in a 55!!!
ABS ####
Discussion in 'Schneider' started by Frogge11, Oct 30, 2022.
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You got a ticket for doing 56 in a 55? In California?
Farming Trucker Thanks this. -
Well, I would say.......
1. Those things go off mostly when BT.
That's #1.
2. What kind of communication were you having with your dispatcher, (I don't know what they call them now). Were you proactive, or did you just let it slide?
3. Perhaps your thingy is too sensitive. Maybe you should look into it.
4. Perhaps you drive not so good.
In 8 years as a L/P driver, I only had about 3.....all BT, all in the rain. I called in, explained the situation, and it went away.
So, perhaps you should look at yourself. -
56 in a 55 ticket.
I'd don't believe itLonesome Thanks this. -
Opus Thanks this.
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