Adding broker authority to existing MC#/DOT

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Peter louis, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Peter louis

    Peter louis Bobtail Member

    Mar 23, 2014
    Hi all,

    i was wondering if someone could explain how adding broker authority to a pre-existing MC#\DOT number works. In some place I have read the fmsca will issue you a new broker MC# for your DOT number and in some cases I have read you can simply just add broker authority and the number doesn't change - maybe it just adds a - B to the end of it. Also, if you can keep the MC and just add brokerage authority can your brokerage and asset based company operate as two different companies with two different names, even though sharing an MC number.

    thank you
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  3. fortycalglock

    fortycalglock Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    Tourist Town, FL
    Typically, your insurance company will drop you if you add brokerage authority to the same company that holds your Motor Carrier Authority. You'll need to start a separate entity to be your brokerage. Call your insurance agent and ask, but be prepared to start a new company and it will have a newbrokerage MC number.
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