Adding salt to meals increases risk of stomach cancer

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Chinatown, Sep 8, 2024.

  1. Far.Away.Eyes

    Far.Away.Eyes Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2024
    Not to be so. I don't eat salt on my foods, get my iodine from foods that contain natural iodine. When your thyroid is happy your happy. Blood pressure is regulated, metabolism is working properly and your body temperature increases. So call it what it can eat all the Mortens salt you want...but it's going to be a killer in the long run
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  3. Ind0792

    Ind0792 Light Load Member

    Oct 14, 2018
    That's just a "conspiracy theory" according to the guy who probably chows down on Burger King all day.
  4. Far.Away.Eyes

    Far.Away.Eyes Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2024
    Ugh fast food is the worse lol
  5. Far.Away.Eyes

    Far.Away.Eyes Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2024
  6. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    According to what I read, not all sea salt contains iodine, and an essential nutrient that many people only get from "iodized" salt. You can't get away from salt, it's in everything, cleverly disguised as something else. It's like anything. In my life, I ate more salt, it was a family staple, we put salt on everything, those salty pretzels, and my mom was a nurse, so she should have known, but bought that stuff anyway, and my BP isn't any worse than someone with high BP and never touched salt. Like cigarettes. Some people can handle them and live to be 97, I mean, why stop at salt? While as we age, clearly moderation is the key, but I still think it's a ploy for drug companies profits.
    By the way, it should be noted, a 3rd BP medication has been recalled, so you can't win, apparently.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2024
    Numb and OldMainiac Thank this.
  7. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    If you give up smoking, drinking, and sex, (and salt), you don't live any longer, it just seems that way.
    201, Dflip, OldMainiac and 1 other person Thank this.
  8. Far.Away.Eyes

    Far.Away.Eyes Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2024
    I used to make bad choices with eating salty things. But I no longer eat those things. I am doing fine and I will stick to my prunes, eggs and oily fish:)
    201 Thanks this.
  9. Sirscrapntruckalot

    Sirscrapntruckalot Road Train Member

    I'm waiting for the other guy to come back, my fries need salt, and he's rather salty.


    World would be better off if people would stop telling other people what to eat, wear, drink, think, etc etc.

    I don't run around telling healthy eaters to slam back a case of snickers and a pitcher of Nacho Cheese. I don't tell vegans they should be eating meat(actually I do tell the annoying ones that), I don't slap doughnuts out of fat peoples hands, I don't ##### and moan at someone for smoking. I let them live their life.

    I don't use salt as much as I used to, but I still use it. Food kinda sucks without SOME salt. Some use of salt can be a game changer.

    Sirscrapntruckalot -
    Far.Away.Eyes, 201, OldMainiac and 3 others Thank this.
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