Against the advice to apply to CRE . . . .

Discussion in 'CR England' started by basstime54, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. carrot top

    carrot top Light Load Member

    Nov 19, 2007
    greenville, sc
    no you were not told you would make .90 a mile during training. they don't pay by the mile during p1 training and p2 training is .12 per mile.

    I hope you pay closer attention during school because theirs a lot of info for you to absorb and not misunderstand.
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  3. FZ37

    FZ37 Light Load Member

    Oct 15, 2010
    (Southern) Virginia
    Ya I heard the same from my reruiter and an E-mail they sent.
  4. Corporal_Clegg

    Corporal_Clegg Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2010
    Got an email today that the discount is extended through next week
  5. basstime54

    basstime54 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Yes, I am getting a discount. The advertisement with the picture of the headless turkey says the cost is ZERO. It also says,This holiday season when you enroll in our Premier Truck Driving Schools Refresher Course you can save $1395.00 on the cost of tuition. I got an email from what I guess is my recruiter, and it says the fee is normally $1495, but my fee is waved. The email also says there is a $100 non-refundable administration fee, and I must also pay $35 for yet another DOT physical. I will be driving. My vehicle is packed, it has been recently serviced and I am ready to go. Now, I hope to make it through all of their requirements. I think all of my paperwork is in order. The rest is physical.

    1 -- swift paid for my physical, it did not cost me a penny.
    2 -- my having to pay 135 is not the definition of waved.
  6. FZ37

    FZ37 Light Load Member

    Oct 15, 2010
    (Southern) Virginia
    Well my friend keep posting. I'm going to Indiana with CRE week of 12/06/2010. I'd like to know how things go. Any last min advice is appreciated! Thanx!!
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010
  7. basstime54

    basstime54 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Today I passed all the tests in the Flex program. There was initially about 50 students in my starting class. Ten were picked for the Flex program. I am among the ten. for various reasons, five left. There are now five in the Flex program from my class, and I am among those five. All five of us passed all the tests today, and will begin further training Monday at 6 am; I get to sleep in, because I have had to get up at 2 or 3 AM all this week to meet my trainer at his truck in the terminal which is 2 miles from the hotel we in the class are staying at, which is paid for by C. R. England.

    Monday I will be trained to drive in the snow I think, then a 3 or 4 day orientation before starting phase 1 for 28 or 30 days when I will no doubt be going across the country. This week I have been with a trainer who is a company driver and drives a dedicated route. I have gone to various locations near the Mira Loma terminal, including: Mira Loma, Riverside, Ontario, Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm Springs, Chino, Colton, Lake Elsinore, and other Southern California communities, making deliveries or picking up freight. I have become pretty fast and good at connecting and disconnecting 53' trailers and a Freightline Columbia day cab. I have also driven over 100 miles during commute traffic each day with my trainer. I have learned to connect and disconnect the air and electrical lines from the cab to/from the trailer, release the 5th wheel, lower or raise the landing gear, open or close the back doors, use a GPS and Qualcomm, pump deisel, wash mirrors and windshield, and other things. I have been on a local gig, but they are spoiling me I think, showing me how it can be. It will take years of work to work up to such a gig regularly. Eventually, I would like to land a dedicated position with them in the Bay Area.

    It was quite a drive down here, about 8 hours, and I have been working hard.
  8. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    Glad the flex progam is working for you ... puts money in your're pocket right away ... the key was having your car with you.
  9. Laid_back_fella

    Laid_back_fella Bobtail Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    San Diego, CA
  10. paul_4lp

    paul_4lp Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2010
    Fort Myers, FL
    I need the same..refresher...did you call or apply first??
  11. basstime54

    basstime54 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    I called first. They almost seemed a little bothered that I called first without applying, but I 1st heard about the fee being waved when I called. I saw nothing about the fee being waved when I applied. After I called, the recruiter told me to apply online. I spoke with the recruiter for a very short time.

    I do recommend driving verses taking a bus if it is possible for you to do that, as you will probably get put into the flex program if you have your own car. From what I can tell, if you are in the flex program you will get on the road sooner.

    I drove home for Christmas, and am also here at home today, the day after Christmas. My trainer (and me) have a load in progress which consists of 2 stops in California, but they are not due until the 27th. I am going to meet my trainer at his truck early tomorrow morning.

    Good luck to you.
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