Against the advice to apply to CRE . . . .

Discussion in 'CR England' started by basstime54, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. basstime54

    basstime54 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    It's been a while. Now I know why people say they will continue posting and we never hear from them. Life on the road is busy! I successfully completed phase 1 and will be testing to start phase 2 soon.
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  3. basstime54

    basstime54 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    So, I tested out OK on the Phase 2 upgrade. But CRE is history for me. My trainer was horrible. If fact, so was the Phase 1 trainer I was assigned to, but I just put up with them a little longer. I could not finish with the trainer I had for a number of reasons.

    What I did learn is yes, they wanted me to lease a truck from them, and no, they don't pay much money for all the trouble. I am looking elsewhere.

    I think there was a Help Wanted sign in the window when I got me a Big Mac the other day.
  4. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    Over the years this has been an on-going cycle. People like yourself post about going to CRE to get their foot in the door. The ad they used to get your attention was the thanksgiving ad where they was going to wave the cost. 4 months later this is your take on them. That is why a lot of people don't like advising on companies like this. It always appears that drivers that try to warn off potential drivers of what this company is like come off as negative drivers. Your story will be relived shortly. Just watch and see. This just keeps going on and on. Different user name always the same ending.
  5. Injun

    Injun Road Train Member

    May 15, 2010
    West o' the Big Crick
    Well. You've gotten your refresher course and some road time. I would expect more doors should open for you now. I would suggest trying for Swift again, but I'm not sure how successful you would be. I'm hearing of hiring freezes all over the country, including Northern California.

    I'm hoping something shakes out for you and it will be the right fit. Until then, are you sure you want to walk away from CRE? I know the pay is crap and there's plenty of that to go with it, but it is pay...and experience. No telling how your next trainer would be, but could be a huge improvement over what you've already gotten. Just a thought. Good luck to you, whatever your final decision.
  6. Mrfasttrack

    Mrfasttrack Light Load Member

    Aug 12, 2010
    Swift have to many drivers, or freight down for there to be a hiring freeze?
  7. Trucker Steve

    Trucker Steve Medium Load Member

    Nov 9, 2008
    Phoenix az

    There are actually quite a few "company drivers" who make .90 cents a mile or more. DoD, Military movements and precious commodities pay really well even for the "company driver". These companies don't advertise, they don't have too!
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