Air Conditioner High/Low pressures and ambient temperatures

Discussion in 'Volvo Forum' started by SuiteSuccess, Aug 18, 2024.

  1. SuiteSuccess

    SuiteSuccess Bobtail Member

    May 31, 2023
    2006 Volvo 780 D12. My air conditioner is not cooling as well as previously (probably small leak). I've not had a problem prior to this. I have access to hose gauge set for recharging if necessary. I use R-134a. My question is in looking at the high/low side pressures and ambient temperature is the chart specific for my truck or can a standard generic R-134a chart be used like this one to gauge whether I need to add coolant?

    Refrigerant Pressure Charts | A/C Pro®
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  3. Animosus

    Animosus Medium Load Member

    Dec 7, 2015
    SE Wyoming
    The generic chart works on any R-134A system. Make sure your condenser is clean and clear of any debris, it is often overlooked when dealing with A/C problems.
    beastr123 Thanks this.
  4. nasriza

    nasriza Road Train Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Chicago, IL
    Also make sure expansion valves are clean pressure chart works ok somewhat but when u are considering being low on Freon it a hard to gauge better remove and scale and charge properly
    Snailexpress Thanks this.
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