Alcohol & Cigarettes: White Brits are dying faster than other ethnic groups

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Chinatown, Oct 21, 2024.

  1. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    I was assigned Shore Patrol duty in Portsmouth. I complained, "You can't put me on Shore Patrol; I'm an E-3."
    I was told, "Yeah, but that hashmark makes you qualified."
    Hashmark E-3 came back to bite me.
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  3. FearTheCorn

    FearTheCorn Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2019
    I was a zoomie, but a friend I worked with was a squid, and spent some time on a Royal Navy vessel, I think it was a frigate, for some sort of crew swap thing.
    He told me some hair raising stories about how the Limeys could party.
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  4. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Yeah, I really didn't like boozing with Limeys or Aussies. They'd have a few drinks and then want to throw fists and bottles. Saw a few in Hong Kong also and they'd go berserk after a few drinks.
    The_vett and FearTheCorn Thank this.
  5. FearTheCorn

    FearTheCorn Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2019
    Absolute fact. My brother visited me once and we did a pub crawl. He wore cowboy boots and I told him not too, guaranteed to cause some testosterone wankery, but he did anyway. Well, after comments about #### kicking, etc, I brought him home. Wasn't late enough in the evening for everyone to be totally pissed up yet.
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  6. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    A guy on a frigate I was on, super smart electronics type, but not much common sense. Great guy from Texas. A bunch of us went to the beach in Sicily. Most of us wore summer slacks and nice summer shirt.
    Didn't know the women strolled around the hotel and beach wearing only a bikini bottom and sandals.
    Anyway, the Texan came to the beach wearing cowboy boots, black jeans, black long-sleeved western shirt and wide brim black cowboy hat. He had sweat pouring off him like it was raining. Great memories!
    The_vett Thanks this.
  7. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    People do indeed get a high from cigarettes, it's just subdued over time, unlike a jolt of heroin here and there,,:eek:. We have to remember, we are mere human beings, and will take refuge in any way possible from the mundane. A friend once told me, a cigarette is worth 7 miles of driving. I think "Free Bird" song is too, but a cigarette is an instant response. I never drank or smoked, mostly because my parents never did. Ironically, sucking in smoke makes you feel alive, and at one time, over 52% of all Americans smoked. 3 of my 4 grandparents smoked.
    BTW, you sound a bit uptight, I bet you could use a cigarette,,drinking alcohol is just downright for slobs, and I can't think of a more destructive substance in our society. I don't think the British are dying any faster than anyone else.
    The_vett Thanks this.
  8. The_vett

    The_vett Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    No , I quit smoking and drinking. Those days are over. I suppose some people might consider me uptight , but it makes me want to laugh and I sure haven't met any of them.
    But laughing and having fun is what I like to do. I can say one thing and that is one of the things I enjoy is being on the road, even if I don't have a Big Rig, driving with you all is a good time for me. I know you are good drivers, and I love being around you folks. I feel your real. Thats what I like real people. I am old and you all make me feel young again.
    Playing good old rock and roll music and being on the road with Drivers , well if that is uptight, thats ok with me.
    Last concert I went to was the Eagles in Las Vegas a couple weeks ago , and Willie Nelsen and Bob Dylan at the George before that and I don't need any chemicals to get me high. I am grateful to be alive !
    A warm fire on a cold night , a cool breeze on a hot day is what I like , and a lot more. I think you are a hoot ! You always make me smile. It is viva la diferrerance !! I am grateful to be here , and that a good person like yourself talks to me. Thank You for the reminder. You are all terrific here at TTR. And TTR is a great site, best I know and for sure TTR is the best operated and managed site.
    hehe...uptight....thats a good one.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
    201, Numb, Lennythedriver and 2 others Thank this.
  9. bzinger

    bzinger Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    omaha , ne
    I've known a few Brits and they all drank like fish and smoked , one of them is a doctor lol.
  10. Thrasher28

    Thrasher28 Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2021
    Bowling Green, KY
    One thing i found interesting is that a lot of the states with high alcohol consumption rates, such as the upper Midwest and the rest of the cold states, have a longer life expectancy than most of the country. I presume it's just a coincidence due to those same states typically being the most active and eating true, homegrown food more than processed food. Vienna sausages were a staple diet for me growing up in the south lol. Biscuits and gravy for breakfast. I reckon it's no shock that our life expectancy is lower
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  11. Lennythedriver

    Lennythedriver Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2020
    As time goes on, if they don’t completely take away our ability to communicate openly and have free speech it will be shown that processed foods is what is killing people and causing disease in this country more than anything. More than cigarettes and alcohol combined, I guarantee it. I eat food as close to as God made it and put it on this earth as I can. Farm to table stuff….When you eat that way for a few months and then you go eat something that’s processed and you feel your stomach screaming at you and you just feel sluggish and down and depressed , you realize what that crap has been doing to you all these years. Even the so-called healthy processed food choices. Anything processed is garbage. I eat good, really good! And I mean high quality meats and veggies, a bit of fruit and very minimal empty carbs. You got a plan and you gotta shop at the right places to do it. But it can be done even on the road. I’m not preaching, I’m a live and let live, I just hate seeing other drivers suffer from so many health problems cause they eat nothing but processed foods.
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