I was assigned Shore Patrol duty in Portsmouth. I complained, "You can't put me on Shore Patrol; I'm an E-3."
I was told, "Yeah, but that hashmark makes you qualified."
Hashmark E-3 came back to bite me.
Alcohol & Cigarettes: White Brits are dying faster than other ethnic groups
Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Chinatown, Oct 21, 2024.
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I was a zoomie, but a friend I worked with was a squid, and spent some time on a Royal Navy vessel, I think it was a frigate, for some sort of crew swap thing.
He told me some hair raising stories about how the Limeys could party. -
Yeah, I really didn't like boozing with Limeys or Aussies. They'd have a few drinks and then want to throw fists and bottles. Saw a few in Hong Kong also and they'd go berserk after a few drinks.
The_vett and FearTheCorn Thank this. -
Didn't know the women strolled around the hotel and beach wearing only a bikini bottom and sandals.
Anyway, the Texan came to the beach wearing cowboy boots, black jeans, black long-sleeved western shirt and wide brim black cowboy hat. He had sweat pouring off him like it was raining. Great memories!The_vett Thanks this. -
. We have to remember, we are mere human beings, and will take refuge in any way possible from the mundane. A friend once told me, a cigarette is worth 7 miles of driving. I think "Free Bird" song is too, but a cigarette is an instant response. I never drank or smoked, mostly because my parents never did. Ironically, sucking in smoke makes you feel alive, and at one time, over 52% of all Americans smoked. 3 of my 4 grandparents smoked.
BTW, you sound a bit uptight, I bet you could use a cigarette,,drinking alcohol is just downright for slobs, and I can't think of a more destructive substance in our society. I don't think the British are dying any faster than anyone else.The_vett Thanks this. -
No , I quit smoking and drinking. Those days are over. I suppose some people might consider me uptight , but it makes me want to laugh and I sure haven't met any of them.
But laughing and having fun is what I like to do. I can say one thing and that is one of the things I enjoy is being on the road, even if I don't have a Big Rig, driving with you all is a good time for me. I know you are good drivers, and I love being around you folks. I feel your real. Thats what I like real people. I am old and you all make me feel young again.
Playing good old rock and roll music and being on the road with Drivers , well if that is uptight, thats ok with me.
Last concert I went to was the Eagles in Las Vegas a couple weeks ago , and Willie Nelsen and Bob Dylan at the George before that and I don't need any chemicals to get me high. I am grateful to be alive !
A warm fire on a cold night , a cool breeze on a hot day is what I like , and a lot more. I think you are a hoot ! You always make me smile. It is viva la diferrerance !! I am grateful to be here , and that a good person like yourself talks to me. Thank You for the reminder. You are all terrific here at TTR. And TTR is a great site, best I know and for sure TTR is the best operated and managed site.
hehe...uptight....thats a good one.Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
201, Numb, Lennythedriver and 2 others Thank this. -
I've known a few Brits and they all drank like fish and smoked , one of them is a doctor lol.
One thing i found interesting is that a lot of the states with high alcohol consumption rates, such as the upper Midwest and the rest of the cold states, have a longer life expectancy than most of the country. I presume it's just a coincidence due to those same states typically being the most active and eating true, homegrown food more than processed food. Vienna sausages were a staple diet for me growing up in the south lol. Biscuits and gravy for breakfast. I reckon it's no shock that our life expectancy is lower
Atlanta trucker, bzinger and The_vett Thank this. -
Atlanta trucker, hope not dumb twucker, The_vett and 1 other person Thank this.
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