Alignment question

Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by Courser, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. Courser

    Courser Bobtail Member

    May 17, 2021
    My left steer tire is 4 months old, and the right one is 6 months. I had an alignment done at a truck stop 4 months ago. The left steer has a little wear on the inside edge, and the right one has a lot of wear on the outside edge and will need to be replaced soon. I went back to the truck stop and asked why there was so much wear when they did an alignment just 4 months ago. He said they only do a toe alignment, and I need a camber alignment, which they don't do. I've called 4 shops that specialize in alignments, they all say they don't do camber alignments, and I should just come in and they'll look at it to see what needs to be done. So, do camber alignments exist? What do you recommend?
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  3. Goodysnap

    Goodysnap Road Train Member

    Jul 12, 2017
    90 percent of steer tire wear does not come from toe or steer axle adjustments.

    If your wear is on outside of one steer and inside of the other you have a scrub angle off. In other words the drives are out causing the front to push or need corrected.

    Find a reputable alignment shop that can check and adjust all 3 axles.
    Big Road Skateboard Thanks this.
  4. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    Look at MD alignment the have guy in Kansas City I believe he will even show or tell you as he does the alignment. They align the truck because the tires show was it wrong. They always said in spec or the factory spec is not good enough. Lots of shop will say it within factory spec and factory spec is so they can align a truck in like 5 minutes rolling down assembly line.
    Md alignment has old videos on YouTube explaining tire wear. They need to align the truck for rolling down the road not sitting on turn plates in shop.
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